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Essay by   •  March 29, 2011  •  291 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,091 Views

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Johann Gutenberg

• Invented printing press in 1456

John Cabot

• 1497 Sailed south of long island sound

Giovanni da Verrazano

• sailed to New York harbor 1524

Vasco Nunez de balboa

• 1513 first to see pacific ocean

• Hernando Cortes conquered Mexico

• Francisco Pizzaro seized Peru

Francisco Vasquez de Coronado

• 1540 explored southwest

Juan ponce de Leon

• 1521 explored Florida

Jacques Cartier

• 1534 explored the St. Lawrence gulf

Jean ribault

• 1562 explored Atlantic coast

Sir Walter Raleigh

• 1584 queen Elizabeth gives permission to establish a colony along Atlantic coast

Toleration act

• 1649 allowed Christians to practice their religion freely

Oliver Cromwell

• puritan government repealed the act

John Locke

• wrote aristocratic constitution for colony

General jammed Oglethorpe

• England reformer вЂ" Georgia

Mayflower compact- and agreement that provided the colony with a government

• Under William Bradford

John Winthrop

• One of the founders of the Massachusetts Bay Colony

Roger Williams and Anne Hutchinson

• Rejected tolerance

• 1636 Separated church and state

• Baptist church

John Calvin

• Protestant reformer

Thomas hooker

• Puritan minister

• Led a group into the Connecticut valley

• Found Hartford

John Peter Zenger

• printer, publisher, editor and journalist in New York City. His indictment, trial and acquittal on sedition and libel charges against the Governor William Cosby of the New York Colony in 1735

Andrew Hamilton

• zingers attorney

• argued zenger was not liable if he told the truth



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