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Sw 670 Social Welfare Policy and Service Delivery Systems

Essay by   •  June 16, 2017  •  Research Paper  •  1,057 Words (5 Pages)  •  1,179 Views

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Name: Heala Baitner

SW 670 Social Welfare Policy and Service Delivery Systems 1


Social welfare policy is a program or regulation, as a part of a social policy aimed at addressing the basic needs of the citizens. Such is an organized function, comprising of various actions, which are meant to make it possible for individuals, families, communities, or groups to deal with social problems as a result of a change in conditions. In fact, different people within a country face various social problems, which are challenging to address, while others have needs that they do not have adequate means to meet them. In fact, these are the issues that addressed through the creation of a social welfare policy (DiNitto & Johnson, 2015). Besides, a related role of the policy is ensuring deployment and mobilization of a country’s resources, material, and human, to address the social problems effectively.

Challenges in Creating and Implementing Social Welfare Policy

Creation and implementation of social welfare policy are not always an easy task. One of the challenges involved is the issues of disparity, especially when addressing the increasing rate of inequality in the society. Given the fact that the policy designed to address the necessities of those in most need of support, it is not always easy to clearly identify and set the boundaries between those who have and those who lack and warrant the welfare support (DiNitto & Johnson, 2015). Thus, there could be cases where those who require the support fail to get the opportunity based on the challenge in defining the eligible recipients.

Financialization is another challenge involved in developing and implementing social welfare policy. While the policy aimed at providing welfare to the people in need at no cost, the financial markets, financial motives, financial institutions and financial players have increasingly become a barrier in coming up with effective policies, especially in the modern financial environment (Sherraden & Gilbert, 2016). The recent past has seen a huge part of the policy makers and politicians become a barrier to the development of the policies as they viewed as creating a culture of dependence and failure of the recipients to work.

Child Abuse and Policy Solution

Child abuse is one of the social problems that are very common in the country today. The abuse comes in various forms, including physical, emotional, sexual, and neglect. Child abuse occurs when the person(s) mandated with the role of taking care of the welfare of the child fails in the role or performs acts that place the wellbeing and life of the child in danger. The biggest problem concerning child abuse is that in most cases it occurs within the domestic setting where the child should be protected and provided with security. Mostly, the abusers are people well known to the child, including parents or guardians, relatives, and friends (Jenson & Fraser, 2015). Child abuse has overarching short and long-term physical, emotional, and mental effects on the affected child, suggesting the need for intervention.

Child abuse and neglect policy remain the most efficient way of addressing the problem of child mistreatment. In a situation where there is the use of child welfare policy, the scope is too broad such that some minor details of abuse and neglect loosen. Thus, following adequate definition of the concept of child abuse and neglect at the policy level, it will be possible for the policy developers to come up with effective measures for protecting children from abuse and neglect (Jenson & Fraser, 2015). The goal of the policy should be far beyond providing remedies after the abuse but preventing damage from taking place by recognizing the risk factors.



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