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Gender Communication Style

Essay by   •  August 29, 2019  •  Research Paper  •  4,361 Words (18 Pages)  •  5,347 Views

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In this day and age, one of the most important challenges for the organization is workforce diversity, the concept that the organization is becoming more heterogeneous in term of gender, sexual orientation, age, and race. Globally, women today are much more likely than ever before to be employed full time, have an advanced education, earn wedge comparable to those of men. Like in the United States, women currently shared 51.5 percent of management, profession, and related position (Yanek, 2018). In addition, diversity has recognized a strength in the workplace, where problem-solving, innovation and visionary thinking are necessary for running a business. Managing corporate diversity is a global concern. The manager needs to know how to leverage differences within the group for the competitive advantage, and how to communicate with the diverse employees in a different way. To move all employees to the same direction, understanding gender communication style differences is required. The gender communication is not about what is right or wrong, or the conflict notion that the male is from Mars, while the female is from Venus. It is just simply differences. Once all grasp the concept of gender communication styles, misunderstanding tends to be relieved. The contribution and values form everyone needs to be heard to drive the organization to success.  

Business Communication

            Business communication is the sharing of information within the organization and with the clients to perform a business. According to Penrose et al. (2008, p.10), there are three main important dimensions in business communication (see Appendix A). Firstly, communication to obtain a job, most recruiters value the oral and written communication skills as an important qualification for the applicants. Another is communication on the job. The good communication can help build a good teamwork and prevent misunderstanding. Moreover, companies with effective communication are likely three times and a half to outperform their competitor (Towers Watson,2013, p.1). Lastly, communication to maintain and improve a job, the communication is cited as the most significant part for a promotion of most newly promoted executives. Additionally, good communication can also help to improve customer service that related to job performance.

Verbal Communication

        Verbal communication is any form of communication involving words, written, spoken, or sign. The verbal communication is used to inform, persuade, and clarify a wrong that causes misunderstanding by employing a language. The language is a human invention that is a tool of this type of communication. A message from the verbal form is expressed in a linear or distinct way, having a clear beginning and end. It is easy and explicit to understand and follow. In general, verbal communication is done consciously because it is from the process of thinking before being delivered (Lumen Learning, n.d.).

Nonverbal Communication

Nonverbal communication is physical behavior, expressions, mannerisms, and the element of speech that conveys the meaning by reinforcing, substituting for, or contradicting verbal communication. It consists of paralanguage and body language. Generally, the nonverbal communication is often done instinctively rather than consciously, and its expression depends on the situation. Moreover, it is complex and has implicit meaning (Lumen Learning, n.d.). It includes both vocal and nonvocal form. For example, pitch, speed, tone, and volume of voice, gestures and facial expressions, body posture, stance, and proximity to the listener, eye movements and contact, and dress and appearance.

In daily life, the research from Mehrabian shows that people communicate feelings and attitudes through nonverbal communication much more than verbal communication (see Appendix B). 55 percent of their message comes from body language, especially from movements of the small muscle around eyes which can convey shock, disbelief, doubt, or disgust. Another 38 percent of their message comes from tone of voice. The rest is only 7 percent of their message, which is conveyed by the words they speak (Crowe Associates Ltd., 2013). See table1 for the differences between verbal and nonverbal communication.

Table 1: Vocal and Nonvocal Elements of Communication

Verbal Communication

Nonverbal Communication


Spoken words

Paralanguage (pitch, volume, speaking rate, rhythm, tone of voice, intonation, etc.)


Writing, Sign language

Body language (gestures, facial expressions, eye contact, posturing, touch, body proximity etc.)

Source: Adapted from Hargie, O. (2011). Skilled interpersonal interaction: Research, theory, and practice. London: Routledge, p.45.

Gender Communication Style

        It is often heard that men and women talk the different language, they often misunderstand and misinterpret each other’s words, actions, and feeling. Many men and women find that it is frustrated to discuss something in their relationship whatever that is with spouse, friends, or coworkers. Gender communication is complex because the different styles of communication are influenced by mainly nature and partly nurture. Majority of human communication skills are learned from childhood. Boys and girls are born and growing in in different culture and environment. All affect the way men and women express themselves to through their communication styles. Tannen (1990) addresses that

There are gender differences in ways of speaking, and we need to identify and understand them. Without such an understanding, we are doomed to blame others or ourselves—or the relationship)—for the otherwise mystifying and damaging effects of our contrasting conversational styles. (p. 17)

In general, men conversation tends to relate to a contest or hierarchy because men seek to

achieve the higher status. Additionally, they are likely to focus more on independence. On the other hand, Women conversation is often a way of giving support and seeking confirmation. They are dependent on the group and avoid the isolation. Women also care more about friendship and try to protect themselves from things that make them apart from each other. (Tannen, 1990, p. 24). See Appendix C for more gender communication style differences. Therefore, to avoid the misunderstanding for both men and women, all need to make an adjustment based on the nature that each gender tends to be.



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