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Environmental Impact Assessment of Hydro Project

Essay by   •  October 4, 2017  •  Research Paper  •  5,302 Words (22 Pages)  •  1,139 Views

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Table of Figures        4

Introduction        5

Methodology of EIA Study        6

Project Description        6

Location        6

Salient Features        10

Environmental Description        11

Meteorology        12

Air Environment        13

Particulate Matter (PM10)        13

Particulate Matter (PM2.5)        13

Oxides of Nitrogen (NO2)        13

Water Quality        14

Noise Levels        14

Soil Characteristics        15

Socio Economic Scenario        15

Education        16

Medical Facilities        17

Biological Environment        17

Flora        17

Fauna        18

Mammals:        18

Important mammals of the study area are: Barking deer, Blue sheep, Brown bear, Hill Jackal, common house rat, Himalayan Black bear, East Himalayan Tahr, Goral, Indian Fox, Kasturi mrig, Porcupine, Langur, Leopard, Monkey, Snow Leopard and Wild boar.        18

Reptiles:        18

Most common reptiles found in the study area are Kasmiri Rock Agama, Lizard and Himalayan Pit Viper.        18

Avifauna:        18

Most common avifauna, which observed in the study area are Rock pigeon, Hill pigeon, Jungle crow, Snow pigeon, and Himalayan vulture. Amphibians: The amphibians found in study area is Bufo sp.        18

Agriculture        18

Vegetation In and Around Settlements:        18

Anticipated Environmental impacts- Causes- Effects        19

Land Environment        19

Immigration of construction labour        20

Quarrying of Construction Materials        20

Movement and Operation of Construction Machinery        20

Runoff from Construction Site        21

Muck Disposal        21

Construction or Widening of Access Roads        21

Ecology        21

EIA TOOLS        24

Check List        24

Simple Interaction Matrix        25

Leopold Matrix        26

Sorensen Network Analysis        27

Conclusion        28

Bibliography        28

Table of Figures

Figure 1: Rupin Hydro Electric Project-Nargani Barrage Site        6

Figure 2: Rupin Hydro Electric Project- Power House Site        7

Figure 3 Project location State        8

Figure 4 Project location District        8

Figure 5 Project Location topography Map        9

Figure 6 Project lay out plan of Rupin Hydro-electric project        11

Figure 7: Study area around project sites for Environmental Description        12

Figure 8 Geology of project region        15


Environmental Impact Assessment, EIA, is seen as an systematic process for identifying, predicting and evaluating the environmental effects of any proposed developmental project. The EIA through identification of alternatives, protection and mitigation measures, would provide much needed information for decision making with respect to environmental consequences of the proposed projects, thus helping in promoting environmentally friendly and sustainable development projects. Environmental Management Plan (EMP), one of the products of EIA would help in coming up with a plan to minimize the severity and magnitude of adverse impact of the proposed projects on environment, ensuring minimal environmental degradation.

Given the fact that availability of power plays a significant role in economic development, Electricity plays significant role in economic development of a region, state and a country. Hydropower is considered as one of the cleanest sources of energy, which when harnessed efficiently in states with perennial rivers would cater to all the power needs. Himachal Pradesh, one of the 29 states in India have five major rivers: Ravi, Sutlej, Beas, Tons(Yamuna) and Chenab flowing through it, which have potential for generation of 21337 MW of electricity. However as of September 2014, only 6153 MW has been developed and plan for 3912 MW was being executed.

The hydropower project Rupin with an estimated capacity of 45 MW, in Dodra-Kawar Tehsil of Shimla District-Himachal Pradesh, harnessing the potential of water from the rivers Nargani and Rupin. This run-of-the-river scheme with barrage on Nargani River diverting the water would increase the flow in Rupin River, thus increasing the electricity generation. The layout of the project consist of 2.51 kilometer feeder tunnel at Nargani site and a trench weir,6.009 kilometer water tunnel and 45MW surface power house at Rupin site. The project aims to discharge back the Tail water back into Rupin River. This project envisages to be developed in 4 years timeframe, only for power benefits with the fact that scope for irrigation is not much in the area.

Methodology of EIA Study

The methodology adopted for Environmental Impact Assessment of Rupin Hydro Electric Power Project is review of existing literature, information and secondary data.

Project Description


        The Rupin Hydro Electric Project with capacity of 45 MW is located on river Rupin and River Nargani, in Dodra-Kawar Tehsil- Shimla District- Himachal Pradesh. This is the first hydroelectricity project on Rupin River, a tributary of River Tons. The nearest airport to the project site is Shimla Airport 210 kilometers away and nearest railway station is        Kalka 300 kilometers away. The villages which fall in near vicinity of the project are: Dhandarwari , Jishkun, Gosangu. The project site is located between 78°4’E - 78°7.5’E and 31°12’N - 31°16’N, with an altitude of 1920 meters to 2220 meters from mean sea level. The project location is shown in below image.



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