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World War Ii Timeline (Half)

Essay by   •  December 10, 2010  •  325 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,823 Views

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Jan 30 - Adolf Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany.

March 12 - First concentration camp opened at Oranienburg outside Berlin.


Sept 15 - German Jews stripped of rights by Nuremberg Race Laws.


March 7 - German troops occupy the Rhineland.

July 18 - Civil war erupts in Spain.


March 12/13 - Germany announces 'Anschluss' (union) with Austria.

Sept 30 - British Prime Minister Chamberlain appeases Hitler at Munich.

Oct 15 - German troops occupy the Sudetenland ; Czech government resigns.

Nov 9/10 - Kristallnacht - The Night of Broken Glass.


March 15/16 - Nazis take Czechoslovakia.

Aug 23, 1939 - Nazis and Soviets sign Pact.

Sept 1, 1939 - Nazis invade Poland.

Sept 4, 1939 - British Royal Air Force attacks the German Navy.


April 9, 1940 - Nazis invade Denmark and Norway.

May 10, 1940 - Nazis invade France, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands; Winston Churchill becomes British Prime Minister.

May 26, 1940 - Evacuation of Allied troops from Dunkirk begins.

July 10, 1940 - Battle of Britain begins.

Aug 15, 1940 - Air battles and daylight raids over Britain.

Nov 5, 1940 - Roosevelt re-elected as U.S. president.



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