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Walt Disney

Essay by   •  November 2, 2010  •  577 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,909 Views

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Walt Disney was born on December 6, 1901 in Chicago, Illinois. His father, Elias Disney, was stern but fair, it was his mother, Flora Call Disney, from which he received his encouragement and influence. Walt was one of Five children, which included four boys and one girl, and another source of influence, his older brother Roy Disney. After Walt was born, his father decided to move the family to Marceline, Missouri and that is where he spent the better part of his life. If it was not for his family and childlike personality he would not have found what truly interested him.

Almost all of Disney's interests were in art and animation. When he was young he went back to Chicago to attend McKinley High school. After high school, taking his true passion to heart, he found a career in art. After opening up his own studio, he met and married, an employ, Lillian bounds in 1925. At this time his dreams were catching up with him, both family and Hollywood wise.

After many years of hard work and determination, Disney was not only the owner of the biggest and most money making animation business but he was also becoming a Hollywood icon as well. He was well known for his Mickey Mouse cartoons and the first full-length animation. His completed works include: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Pinocchio, Fantasia, Dumbo, and Bambie. He was also famous for the first ever color animation. Being the famous person he was he still had the childlike personality that uncovered his passion for art he quickly started having dreams for other people as well.

After visiting a theme park, one summer, he noticed how dirty and unsafe it was, he dreamed of a clean and organized amusement park, which both young and old alike could go to and enjoy themselves in a safe, clean environment. And with nothing more to say the Disneyland park was quickly under construction and was opened in 1955 to the public. It cost a whole $17,000,000 to plan, construct and open this magic kingdom. It had



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