Verses Case
Essay by barri916 • March 14, 2012 • 952 Words (4 Pages) • 1,221 Views
"If Allaah sends you some provision without you looking forward to it or asking others for it, then take it."
"If you ask Allaah for anything, then ask Him for al-Firdaws (the highest level of Paradise)."
"If your good deeds please you and your bad deeds upset you, then you are a mu'min (believer)."
"If you hear the call to prayer, then respond to the one who is calling you to Allaah."
"If you hear the call to prayer, then say something like the muezzin says."
"If any one of you becomes angry, let him keep silent."
"If a man becomes angry and says 'A'oodhu Billaah (I seek refuge with Allaah),' his anger will cease."
"If a man says 'Ya seedi (sir)' to a munaafiq (hypocrite), he earns the wrath of his Lord."
"When you stand up to pray, pray as if it is your last prayer."
"When you get dressed and when you do wudoo', start on the right."
"When any one of you meets his brother, let him greet him with salaam."
"Remember death when you are praying."
"Show mercy towards those who are on earth so that the One Who is in heaven will show mercy to you."
"Renounce pleasure in worldly things and Allaah will love you."
"Show disinterest in what people have and people will love you."
"Feel properly shy and modest before Allaah."
Protect "the head and what does through it (thoughts and ideas)."
Protect "the stomach and what goes into it."
"Seek help in whatever you do by being discreet."
"Everyone who is given a blessing will be envied."
"No one can keep their wudoo' except a believer."
"The worst thief among people is the one who steals from his prayer, by not doing rukoo' and sujood properly."
"Intercede and you will be rewarded."
"The most grateful of people to Allaah are those who are most grateful to other people."
The trouble with beauty is feelings of superiority.
The trouble with generosity is extravagance.
The trouble with noble descent is pride.
The trouble with knowledge is forgetfulness.
"Give to the one who denied you."
"Uphold ties with the one who cuts you off."
"Forgive the one who does you wrong."
May Allaah have mercy on the person who said "Good" and was rewarded or who remained silent and was safe.
Wine is the key to all evil.
The one who is more daring in giving fatwas is more deserving of Hell.
Love the poor and mix with them.
It is better to err in forgiving than to err in punishment.
Do not judge between people when you are angry.
If you want to count the faults of anyone else, count your own faults instead.
If you commit a sin, say "Astaghfir-Allaah (I ask Allaah for forgiveness)."
If you are given a blessing, say, "Al-Hamdu Lillaah (praise be to Allaah)."
If some disaster befalls you, say, "Innaa Lillaahi wa innaa ilayhi raaji'oon (Truly, to Allaah we belong and truly, to Him we shall return)."
Seek rizq (provision) by giving charity
"Give food to others and speak good."
"Seek a response to du'aa's when the iqaamah for prayer is given and when rain is falling."
The people with the longest necks on the Day of Resurrection will be the muezzins.
"Worship Allaah as if you see Him."
"The most helpless of people are those who cannot make du'aa'."
"The most miserly of people are those who are stingy with their salaams (i.e., do not greet others)."
"Pay the hired worker his wages before his sweat dries."
"Tie up (your camel) [i.e., take the necessary precautions], and put your trust in Allaah."