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Training And Education Program For Employee

Essay by   •  January 8, 2011  •  1,953 Words (8 Pages)  •  2,007 Views

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Today, most of organizations attempt to develop the outlook and performance of its employees by using training and educational programs. In comparison to this, several academician's, researches and professionals hold that the personality of employees is generally developed when they learn several dimensions of job while working. Similarly, it is also believed that proper development of the personality of an employee by exercising �on the job’ will be more useful when the organization simultaneously gets related mission to enhance employees’ performance.

The supervisor need too applied some mission to enhance their employee performance. Such as performance appraisal, motivating the employee, learn how to be a good communicator (effective communication), learn active listening skill and teach them how to listen, problem solving and decision making. From this mission it will get the benefits for the company.

Performance appraisal is a process of obtaining, analyzing and recording information about the relative worth of an employee. It is a systematic periodic and an impartial rating of an employee’s excellence in matters pertaining to his present job and his potential for a better job. A good appraisal system provides right feedback about the quality of performance of an employee. In spite of dislike by several employees, performance appraisal has become an inescapable feature. It imparts benefits not only to the employees but also on supervisors and management.

Performance appraisal is effective to enhance the employee performance. The employee will be aware of the performance in term of goals, targets, behavior etc. Moreover the employee will be provision of appeals against appraisal to ensure confidence of the employees. Then the employees will be given an opportunity to express their feeling on the performance reports. Lastly the appraisal will be less time consuming and less costly. At the same time, it should bring the maximum benefits.

Motivation in an organization set the tone of the organizational goals. Whether the organization is for profit or non-profit, motivations play an important role for company productivity. Therefore motivation is key in personal life as well as the career world. Motivation in the work place is highly dependent on employers being able to understand the needs and wants of their employees. When employers can understand and satisfy an employee’s needs, the employee is more attention to perform well in his position. “The factors to motivate the employee: (a) interesting work, (b) good wages, (c) full appreciation of work done, (d) job security, (e) good working conditions, (f) promotions and growth in the organization, (g) feeling of being in on things, (h) personal loyalty to employees, (i) tactful discipline, and (j) sympathetic help with personal problems. In order to achieve all or some of these key motivating factors in the work place, an employee generally will want interesting work, good wages, and recognition from superiors.

Interesting work is most important for the employees. When an employee finds his or her work more interesting, the employee wants to be more involved and therefore increases employee productivity. When the productivity increases, this generates higher earnings for the employer. When there are higher earnings for the employer, he can then pass it back to the employees.

Another important for motivating factor, and the most obvious, is wages. This includes, but it not limited to salary, benefits, bonuses and stock options. Supervisor motivate employees with these to make them want to come to work everyday and perform their job well. People want to feel self worth and feel like they are needed.

Moreover good communication between supervisors and the employees is a key factor. In order to be an effective supervisor in the work force today, one must have a very good understanding of the various ways in which people interact and communicate with one another. It is critical that good leaders display the ability to effectively communicate with their associates and subordinates as well as train and encourage others to demonstrate those same communication skills. By doing this, they will promote both a healthy and efficient work environment that everyone will be sure to enjoy.

The first challenge in effectively communicating with today’s workforce is diversity. The work force today is more diverse than ever and is rapidly becoming even more diversified as time passes. Leaders are already facing differences from many levels of society. And with every new group that enters into the workforce, there are still the cultural differences such as customs, beliefs, and expectations that are thrown into the mix as well. All of this, as well as many other issues only further complicates the task of achieving effective communication on all levels.

For example the first and most obvious difference in the work environment is the difference of the sexes. Women possess a tendency to be more subtle or convincing rather than shouting out demands. Studies have shown that women are more likely to construct their requests in the form of suggestions or leading questions rather than be more direct (Adult Learner’s Guide, 1999). Therefore men are often more direct and to the point. These two contrasting attributes are a fertile breeding ground for misunderstandings of all sorts.

Moreover Women also do not hesitate to mix business with personal talk where men are more anxious to get to the details of the business at hand. For women this seems to be a double edged sword. On the one hand, the personal talk brings down some barriers and lets each one get to know the other so everyone is comfortable. This works in their favor in situations where they are meeting a group or individual for the first time. But on the other hand, after they become acquainted, women have trouble separating their personal feelings and allowing them to enter into their business talk as well as their daily business activities.

Every business consists of a variety of communication activities such as listening, speaking, questioning, gathering and participating in small work groups. The listening skill is one of the most important aspects of communication process. It helps to understand and read the other person’s message. Effective listening skills create positive workplace relationships which influence our opinions and responsiveness to one another.

Listening and understanding what others communicate to us is the communication process needed for interpersonal effectiveness. If you listen well, you will understand the meaning of the message. If you are unfocused, you will



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