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The Life Of Sir Thomas More

Essay by   •  August 26, 2010  •  282 Words (2 Pages)  •  2,030 Views

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The Life of Sir Thomas More

Thomas More was born on February 7, 1478. His life is chronicled in historic writing. He was well schooled and very self-disciplined. His accomplishments throughout his life were, and still are, amazing. More was liked and respected by many.

Thomas More came into existence on Milk Street in London. He was born to a privileged family. Having not been born of royalty made his accomplishments, deeds and offices held that much more heroic. More's education began at St. Anthonies. He was schooled in Latin and written language. His desire to learn and attention to detail opened many doors for him. He rose through the ranks to high positions in the government.

King Henry VIII was in power in England for much the latter part of Thomas More's life. More had served King Henry VII through most of his life. When Henry VIII took a liking to More, More was concerned. He felt that if Henry VIII could profit gold from his head, then his head would be off in a second. He proved himself right in principle. Henry VIII was prone to having his way. When things did not go the way he wanted, he changed the rules.

Early in life More came to love the Lord as his supreme ruler. His life and everything about him was to serve his god first. His love of God would eventually cost him his life. When More would not renounce his god for Henry VIII, he was imprisoned. Henry tried to break More's resolution, but More could not be broke. Even in the end facing an inhumane death, he never forsake his god. The Catholic Church later canonized him with sainthood.



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