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Short Story Analysis

Essay by   •  April 4, 2011  •  1,108 Words (5 Pages)  •  1,921 Views

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Finding Myself in the First Act

Plays are made in the second act. The first act is just merely build up for the second act. The first act is all character building and plot thickening, but the second act is when all walls fall down. Character's morality is tested and a great play is either made or not. If one was just to see only the first act he would not have the foggiest idea on how the rest of the play turns out. I feel like my writing can be placed into the terms of a play. My whole life I have written. I have been fighting with the villain that is grammar, working on breathing life into my characters which are sentences through better vocabulary and word usage, and striving to become a better writer by understanding what it takes to put on a good show or writing an exceptional paper. I feel like I am still in the first act of my play. I am working on a good base that will glide me through the second act straight to the standing ovation. My skills are struggling to remember their lines, as I battle grammar, while at the same time I am desperately trying to make a hit. Someday when most of my schooling is over, I believe that the second act will come, when the validity of the contents of my play will be tested. Until then, all I can do is work hard on the development and pray for a good review.

As I have said before and will say a many times more, my worst villain is grammar. The long, arduous battles with grammar are countless. Many a night I have stayed up slaying misplaced commas as misspelled words have assassinated a perfectly good paper. Like the objective the lead character works towards, grammar is my foremost impediment. In all great dramatic plays, the character is tested. I am tested every time I see an iniquitous glaring grammar mistake. The character can either do what is morally right or what is effortless. The same can be applied to me. Every time I get a paper back and I see the evil red pen markings I think to myself, to ignore or not to ignore. I can either fall back into a blissful ignorance or I can force myself to face a tremendous terror and figure out what I did to warrant that red mark. After careful inspection I usually conclude that the mistake is not so scary, on the contrary, is was quite a ridiculous error. To quote my song analysis paper, "As well as having conflict 'Poor Child' also has literary devices..." With cautious scrutiny one should notice the missing comma that upstages the sentence.

The makings of an ideal hero take a lot of thought; the writer cannot just have any other hero that will fall through the cracks into the infinite abyss of other heroes that tragically came before him. No, to make a good hero, one must think of qualities that have never been thought of before. Word usage is the same because when given the topic that everyone else has been given, one must use the best words that he possibly can in order to be remembered. Everyone wants a character with strong moral fiber and a heart of gold but if the character is not different somehow then he will be forgotten as easily as he was thought of. If one wants to have a paper that stands out then they must spend more than thirty minutes writing the same dull paper that fifteen other students will. By using vibrant words and interesting sentences, his or her paper will stick out among the colorless heap of others that come before and precede it. I once wrote a fairly good example of vibrant words that insist to stick out from the norm, "the green grass glistened with the shine that only a truly beautiful sun can produce." By using uncommon vocabulary, alliteration, and a superior sentence structure, I was able to produce a sentence that demands attention.

To be an excellent playwright, the author has to understand the business. The writer has to have learned from past authors and his own writing in order to surpass the level



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