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Only Yesterday by Frederick Lewis Allen (1933)

In the beginning of chapter one of only yesterday by Frederick Lewis Allen, he starts his story off by giving the viewers a description of how the United States has been transformed from 1919 to the 1930's. Mr. & Mrs. Smith are the characters illustrated in the story, who's live in being portrayed as a couple in 1919. Women were modest during this time in history. The typical women would have long stockings, long hair and usually wore a dress. Preparing and take care of chores around the house, while the men who's role were to be the leaders of the household. The newspapers that were popular and most accurate during this time were the New York Tribune and the Chicago Tribune. Sports were considered to be interesting to men back then as they are today. Baseball and Boxing were the main two. Golf and Tennis were coming along, but wasn't as popular yet. The cost of living, food, vehicles and other accessories in life were going up tremendously, this would become known as the period of inflation. Everybody were looking out for themselves and trying to make a profit wherever they could. They roads for transportation were not that great either during the early 1900's.

Chapter two takes place on November 11th, 1918. The president of the United States, who was Woodrow Wilson would sent a message to fellow Americans relieving them by saying "The war is over". This would be the beginning of the new era, although life would still be centered around the war. The opportunity for people to make money was more obvious. With the soldiers being back from war and parades and everything in celebration, it would soon be over with much of the population looking for work. Strikes, Lay-offs would cause controversy. It was considered to be as evil as the red scare intended to be. Questions were being asked and people wanted answers after the war. Wilson had a lot of power and determined a lot of peoples lives. Henry Cabot Lodge an Intellectual leader of the Republicans who had a seat in the senate had power as well and stated that they were equal with the president in making treaties. Lodge opposed Wilson is most events that they both participated in. Wilson would later veto the senate and get reelected as president of the united states. Wilson would eventually die as a bitter man.

Chapter three talks about the Red Scare began during the United States participation in WW I. Red Scare was also known as a revolution that would destroy property, church, home, marriage, civility, and the American way of life.

In April 1919, a large-scale plot to mail thirty six bombs to a variety of prominent Americans was uncovered most of them was a successful attempt on attorney general Palmers house in Washington. The strikes become more intense, not knowing if they were radical, only knowing that they were organized. The fighting began to erupt over workers pay and hours. With long hours and low pay being a big issues, most workers began to petition and go on strike. Forcing companies to reorganize they benefits and pay scales. The strike were becoming hostile and people began to be arrested for anything and everything. Racism was an issue against Blacks, Jews, and the Roman Catholics. The creation of the Ku Klux Klan did not make life any easier for anybody. Stirring up issues and making racism one of the main focus points in history during this period of time. Mobs would be formed and become unstoppable continuing attacks out upon groups of people as well as the clans did.

Chapter four talked about the changes that were occurring. The Red Scare failed to spread. The nation was focused on peace and there were big changes happening, no time for worries. Americans became obsessed with sports with the invention of radio. The first broadcast took place November 2, 1920. As sports were on the rise other sports took a business approach to things. Golf and Tennis became more serious. In the Beauty pageants women became to were more revealing clothes. Showing more of their bodies off. As the bombing were still talk, they were not a big issue in America. Foreign countries looked at America with a bad reputation.

Chapter five is about the revolution in manners and morals. Focusing with worries on the morals of the younger generation. How men and women should act, dress and respect one other in society. Music became more risquй and the dancing style became more sexual. The younger generation became a topic of concern from coast to coast. Dancing was a subject of issue in house and churches across the United States. Laws against the way women dressed became an issue for older women. Some placed blame on the war for the cause of the way the younger generation was acting in society. Women began to make housework much lighter. Women started to reach out and educate themselves and work in environments that were suppose to be for men. Advertisement for women were more noticeable. They began drinking and smoking cigarettes. This was the area for freedom and women became more revealing in every aspect of life.

Chapter seven focuses on Coolidge prosperity, although it proven that Coolidge did not do much in his time in office. There were some good things that were done. The creation of Henry Ford and his Model T were a big invention in step forward in the automobile industry. Advertisement brought competition in all industries and sales. Companies began to hold contest to attract customers. Higher education and people going to college increased. With the ability to compete for better jobs and high pay, people was willing



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