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Protestantism in the Holy Roman Empire

Essay by   •  November 29, 2016  •  Coursework  •  638 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,134 Views

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Helen Chen 10/24/26

History Mr. Hills

History Essay


During the 17th Century, the Reformation helped local princes establish their autonomy and kept the Holy Roman Empire fragmented. The numerous Catholic attempts to diminish Protestantism within German nation states sparked violent rebellions during the Thirty Years War. Gradually, this religious conflict became more political in nature and came to involve several great European powers. Hence, the Thirty Years War was both a war of religion and political ambition.

Beginning in the 16th Century, religious unrest grew in Germany as Catholics in the Holy Roman Empire fought against the growing Protestant movement started by Martin Luther. Luther's 95 Theses and attacks against Church corruption soon spread throughout Europe via the Printing Press. Lutherans in Germanic States were pouring into Bohemia and were becoming very powerful. By 1555, the Peace of Augsburg was enacted to maintain peace within the Holy Roman Empire. It stated ”whose realm, his religion”, meaning the religion of the ruler is the religion of the people. Eventually, the Letter of Majesty was signed, which granted religious toleration for both Catholic and Protestants living in Bohemia. However, Ferdinand II’s revocation of the Letter of Majesty led to the defenestration of Prague and, ultimately, the beginning of the Thirty Years’ War. Initially, what would be the last religious war in Europe (1) was both political and religious in nature. Fought primarily within the Holy Roman Empire in Germany, the Bohemian and Danish phases of the war resulted in Catholic victories and the passing of the Edict of Restitution, which reclaimed Catholic lands that had been acquired by Protestant rulers and reaffirmed the Peace of Augsburg.

Even though the Thirty Years’ war was religious in nature, it turned into a more political and continental phase. The Swedish monarch and military genius, Gustavus Adolphus, invented the first mobile cannon, which resulted in a Protestant victory during the Swedish phase of the war. Ironically, the primarily Catholic French supported the Lutheran side of the war. Similar to Henry IV, who converted to Catholicism because “Paris is worth a Mass,” (2) Cardinal



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