Political Party
Essay by 24 • April 3, 2011 • 1,410 Words (6 Pages) • 1,411 Views
"In the world of communism, each gives according to his abilities and receives according to his needs" - (Marx)
Constitution - Philosophy of the party
The philosophy of the party is similar to a communistic/nationalistic and authoritarian philosophy as the party's leader (blank) himself is very fond of this. We want the entire country under government control. The monetary system should be shared equally by the rich and the poor meaning that there won't be civilians calling themselves "rich" or "poor" and will be treated equally. All races can speak their own languages and practice there own religion. Immigration/emigration has both been banned. Racism, theft, murder, rape, fraud and of course disloyalty to his majesty King (blank) will not be tolerated and he/she who shall commit any of these crimes will be executed. This party will eliminate all jails from the country and in order to do that all prisoners must be executed. This will set fear in the hearts of the citizens of the country and they won't dare to commit any crimes thus resulting in a peaceful country. This party does not follow any traditions of any sort. The focus of the party is mainly on these 12 things:
(1) National health care- health care is free (under government)
(2) Public housing- all rents paid to government. No one can own a house.
(3) Public schooling- everyone from the age of 6-18 is to attend school
(4) High taxation- taxes are high
(5) Welfare- No Welfare as everyone is employed and is able to survive on their own.
(6) Economic regulations- the economy's based on many economic sectors.
(7) Guaranteed employment- Above the age of 18 should be employed or university.
(8) Trade restrictions- trade with other dictatorial countries is banned.
(9) Emigration and immigration controls- BOTH BANNED. VIOLATORS EXECUTED.
(10) Wage and price controls- all jobs get equal pay
(11) Military- conscription is imposed on from time to time.
(12) Government monetary system- the system is shared and contributed equally.
The party is called the Maestro Communistic party of Canada led with absolute dictatorship by his majesty (blank). It is divided into three calibers or ministers. The Minister of Execution Safi, The Minister of Health Care Alper, and finally the Minister of Education Tushar. All the minister are completely loyal to the king and one will be his successor after him. All details mentioned in first paragraph.
Role and Purpose
The role of the party is essentially to eliminate corruption amongst the country. The party wants to put an end to racism, theft, murder, rape, fraud and many other things. Violators of any laws except traffic laws are executed. The purpose is also to build up a massive military to imperialize and impose its practices on all other countries and eventually the world.
Political Spectrum
I would say that this party is extremely left-wing if not than left winged for sure. This is because this party does not follow any traditions and is not very democratic at all. I wouldn't say it's not democratic because people have the right to speak against this party but will be executed shortly thereafter.
Membership Criteria
No one can join the party unless HE (woman can't join) has been approved by the leader of the party. This party has been selected by its leader and couple of vice leaders. The leader is looking forward to hiring people with terrible political backgrounds and those who are loyal. Age restrictions are that in order for one to join, they must be 40+ and men only.
Legalization of Marijuana
The party believes that marijuana should not be decriminalized rather legalized. This is because many people are addicted to it and cannot quit. Also, the party believes that marijuana is an intoxicant and will not intoxicate any one but the smoker himself. It is exactly like alcohol. If alcohol is legal than marijuana should be too as both of them follow under the category of "intoxicants." However the party is proposing for age restrictions. In order to buy marijuana from a marijuana shop, you must be 21+ and smokers under 19 will be executed for breaking a law.
Same sex marriage
The party's opinion on sex marriage is simple. "Marry whoever the fuck you want pal, see if I give a testicle.. or 2" said Afridi. What our party means is that you can marry a male or a female. We do not follow old traditions and do not see why gays and lesbians can't marry. Democracy essentially is that you can do what ever, and our party is going with that. Our party's democratic side feels that if you please to marry even animals, you may do so too. This is how utterly democratic we are in some sectors of government.
Question # 1: Don't you think legalizing marijuana might have a huge impact on not only the teenagers but the adults as well. What I am saying is, why legalize an illegal drug?
Answer: Yes,