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Personal and Professional Development

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Self-reflection ppd plan

This is a personal and professional development that shows a self-reflection of me using the skills audit discussed in the PPD sessions in the class room. This also provides insights of various strengths and weakness I possess and the various things which I want to develop during the course of my HND programme both in respect to my personal and professional development. It also gives out steps of how to achieve the same.


I believe in the philosophy of improving myself as much as I can and in whatever way possible. I believe as surroundings change the challenge is to adjust to the change surrounding and try to adapt and learn what the new environment has in store for you. I believe each day bring a lot of opportunities for growth. My biggest strength I believe is that I believe in power of positive thinking and my utmost faith is in the fact that whatever happens, happens for good reason, so no matter how hard times I see, I take it as means for me to learning new things out of the whole experience and this make the journey of life more easy.


In my course or HND Hospitality Management and various PPD sessions which included the skills audit, time management questionnaire had helped me to do a self-analysis, of my own personality.

Though there are various traits that I came across while answering the questions to the Kolb’s learning cycle  and vak/vark learning styles self-assessment questionnaire, there were certain key features that I realized and found them to be useful in my HND programme and going further from here.

The following chart depicts the SWOT analysis of me.

Strengths- Positive Thinking, Team Worker, Hardworking, Fast learner, Negotiation skills

Strong technical and IT skills, good at completing task on time, peaceful , my  mind is full of positives issues,  I rarely go for negative thinking sure most of the time I remain quite sure about my actions good under pressure, few times I feel myself good under pressure like making difficult decisions and  optimistic

Weakness -Quite emotional at times taking decision, Needs to improve critical reasoning and arguments, Limited skills for Presentations, Lack of Innovation, Improper time management and not prioritizing things, Paying attention to too much details, not confident enough, lack of According to personality scoring which is the true result for me as I feel also by myself that I cannot control my emotions well. I am Unenthusiastic and fearful. Sometimes I am shy a lot in front  of any new person, I am also weak in my work such as I am not goal oriented . Regarding my friends my plans are mostly different from them which sometimes make them angry and I feel it as my great weakness.

These all weaknesses that I have sometimes makes me unhappy as it gives the bad impression towards other but I am trying to improve them and most of the time I overcome my weaknesses by being enthusiastic, careful and not teasing others.

Opportunities work in two of the biggest job fields’ hospitality and tourism, more goal to be achieved, more career prospectus increasing my competences further,

Threats Competition from fellow classmates in the same field, Lack of expertise in the chosen area of growth, not fully understand the criteria or instructions. Impact on ability to complete future assignments successfully disadvantage me in any future career goals or undermine other

People’s confidence in me

Personal Development Plan

My enrollment into this HND programme, I feel will be one of the key aspect in my learning and growth as I see it. I believe during the course of my HND I will learn not only from the class room study but from each discussion I have inside or outside the class room , it is making me learn how to deal with people with different mindset as we have to sit together and work in groups . Going back to the learning environment has allowed me to re-assess myself as a student and as a learner.

I look forward for improving upon the following key areas during my HND programme. These may not necessarily be termed as weaknesses I want to build on but can be regarded as the areas I wish to focus, apart from the academic studies I do as part of the

Programme. I firmly believe all these will help me in my long term goal of becoming a successful manager.

1) Develop Oral Presentation Skills

Till now I think my skills as a presenter were sufficient enough to sail me through all this time. Having stepped into HND programme, I have realized the importance of this skills as one of the core skills for a manager .I have been part of various debates, presentations earlier also but I still feel that there is always a scope of improvement, and I believe that this is one area which I can and I wish to develop during this programme.


• Attending workshops that the LSBF provides apart from the sessions held in the classroom.

• Taking all opportunities where I get a chance to speak so as to enhance the skill of engaging with the audience more

• Seek out new opportunities to present information and reports in a team setting

2) To improve Awareness about the current affairs and Learning new things daily

A deep insight to my self-reflection makes me feel, I am not keeping myself update to the various activities in and around the  the hospitality  world. This is important for a manger to have the base knowledge of the things happening around. I need to develop in this regard as I am at a new place it’s more important to understand the methodologies and the dynamics of the  hospitality world here so as to enhance my future prospects.


• Started reading more daily newspapers apart from the one I used to read

• Plan to enroll for various hospitality newsletters and websites, after having discussion with teachers, which are substantially good and will help me more in improving my hospitality knowledge

3) Changing the role from Resource investigator.

During my stay at the previous organization I worked for  , and my interaction in the I discovered that I have always been a key player in the team as a Resource Investigator. I have always been sociable and extrovert. The extroversion has always been an influencing factor role in the team. Also once I have a target I set to put guidelines how to proceed further for the same. This has been instrumental in my growth till date, but now I think it more important to have a role of a planter in the team. I wish to be more innovative, and implement new ideas. When in work the stake use to be more and I sometime use to follow the more direct approach since I knew it can never go wrong. Now having an opportunity here in the class I wish to improve my innovative thinking and come up with new ideas of doing things.



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