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Operant Conditoning

Essay by   •  December 10, 2015  •  Essay  •  648 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,058 Views

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Biology plays a big factor in psychology because biology affects your behavior. Your brain nerves and hormones affect your thoughts, feelings, and actions. The way we think, act, and feel are all biological causes which meaning without biology we wouldn’t have psychology. Therefore to have a full understanding of psychology, in time you will need to learn in time about biology so the student’s statement is false.

Two systems that effect ones behavior is your nervous system, and your endocrine system. Your neurons located in your nervous system help you sense the things going around you so you can react. For example, your nervous system tells your brain that you are hungry when you see food. While your hormone produced glands in your endocrine system helps your body to produce food into energy. Signals from your nervous system travel very quickly giving you immediate response, while on the other hand signals from your endocrine move at slow pace, but last longer. All together these messages from both systems allow your lungs to breath in air, your heart to beat, and most importantly allow your mind to make decisions.

Over the years, biological psychology has become one of the most important topics within psychology. Even researchers came with the idea that one’s human behavior can depend on the brains chemistry. Traumatic events and early live experiences can affect your brains chemical imbalances which causes depression, anxiety, etc. Chemical imbalances are health issues where vitamins and minerals that the body needs are missing from body. This causes

your neurotransmitters to result in improper function. Also your brain, nerves, and other organs stop functioning properly. Many people (including biological psychologist) believe that chemical imbalance is leading cause in anxiety, depression, and other mental disorders.

Multiple sclerosis is a disease that is a typical progressive, disease with no cure that causes damage to the nerves in the spinal cord, and the brain. Symptoms of the disease are numbness, blurred vision, heavy fatigue, loss of muscle coordination, etc. Having an impact on over thirty five thousand people in the U.S alone, the disease usually starts to show between the ages of 20 and 40. Although there is no cure the disease, there a ways to prevent the disease from developing.

We have over a billion cells in our brain with over a trillion connections. All of those connections have be insulated with myelin which multiple sclerosis damages. In order to produce myelin your brain to take in take in a lot of b-vitamins such as b1, b9, and b12. Your brain should also take in iodine and omega 3 fatty acids. Multiple sclerosis also destroys your neurotransmitters and your mitochondria which is very important to your cells. Mitochondria are very important to your life because they manage the energy supply in the cell. Without our mitochondria we wouldn’t even larger than bacteria. To rebuild your mitochondria will need a lot of b vitamins, sulfur, and antioxidants. The best to receive these are compounds are not the latest drugs, but are from the food that you eat. Fruit, grilled fish, dark greens are rich with compounds. Food likes cheese, bread, fast food, and fried foods are things you would have to stay or eat on a rare basis.



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