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Online Dating Vs. Traditional Dating

Essay by   •  April 6, 2011  •  878 Words (4 Pages)  •  8,403 Views

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Online Dating vs. Traditional Dating

Society today has changed in many ways. For example, we now have something called "online dating." There is also traditional dating, which has been around for centuries. Online dating and traditional dating have many similarities, but yet at the same time have many differences.

Online dating is one of technologies new advances. People can go to websites, create a profile describing themselves in full detail and chat with the opposite sex. Then the person is emailed the profiles of those who are suitable matches for him or her. Communicating through some sort of instant messenger, chat room, or website they get to know one another and further explore the relationship. If the person is interested, they begin "talking", or better known as getting to know each other. The conversations could be over such things as; looks, where they live, beliefs, age, if they have children, have they been married and so much more. If and when the person or persons decide there is a possible connection they will even go as far as sending pictures of themselves and give out person information. Online dating has its benefits, especially to those who are impatient, it is also very dangerous. Having the internet today, there is no actual way for you to tell who someone really is. In magazines there have been stories where young girls or guys on the internet try online dating, and the outcome results in disappointment, anger, deception, and in some cases death. One particular event a young girl at the ripe age of sixteen arranges a meeting with a man she believe is seventeen, attractive, and interested in her. The two meet in person and the boy she thought she was meeting turns out to be an older man in his mid to late forties. He kidnaps her, takes her to a secluded area, drugs her, has his way with her and then murders her. In her mind, she never fathomed he could or would be a criminal; she thought she was meeting a sweet, young, good-looking, honest guy.

Traditional dating has been around for hundreds of years. This method is the usual practice of most American's today. Traditional dating is where the persons meets face to face instead of meeting over a PC screen. Online dating is like walking into a dark cave. Traditional dating is a more self paced, general meeting of two people who would like to spend extra time together, getting to know one another, and seeing how well they interact. A good example is a man meeting a woman and sensing the attraction there he extends a formal invite for what we call a date. This process, in today's day and age, can also be reversed with the woman asking the man out on a date. With traditional dating you get to go at a more steady pace, allowing yourself and your date to get to know each other, communicate more clearly and see each others facial expressions and read the body language. There



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