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Of Mice & Men.

Essay by   •  May 17, 2011  •  511 Words (3 Pages)  •  2,236 Views

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In the novel, Of Mice and Men, most of the characters experience loneliness. You can assume somebody is lonely by how they act most of the time. Two characters from the novel who deeply experience loneliness is Crooks and Curley's wife. Throughout the book, there actions show that they feel like they don't belong.

Crooks is a man who works with Lennie and George. He is a black man who is very insecure. He is not aloud to sleep in the bunk house because of his color. Crooks also cannot play cards with the other men in the bunk house. Just because he isn't the same race, the other men treat him unfairly. He is not accepted for who he is as a person. You can see that he is very insecure and ashamed when he says "Cause I'm black. They play cards in there, but I can't play because I'm black. They say I stink. Well, I tell you, you all of you stink to me" (Pg 72). He is trying to act like he doesn't care that they treat him with no respect by trying to give them insults back. Also in the quote "I ain't wanted in the bunk houseƐ'..." (Pg 75) shows discrimination. Crooks doesn't have a best friend like Lennie and George have each other. You can see this by Crooks saying to Lennie " You got George. You know he's going to come back. Suppose you didn't have nobody. Suppose you couldn't go to the bunk house and play rummy because you was black" (Pg 72). The other men are racist toward crooks and that makes him feel unwanted.

Another character who is lonely, in my opinion, is Curley's wife. Curly doesn't really let her talk to the other men. Curley seems to be a very controlling husband. He acts like his wife is only good for one thing and that makes her feel betrayed and used. She doesn't really have anyone. Curley's wife acts like she is in need for attention and a friend. She was not even able to achieve her dream/goal so that



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