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Madame Cj Walker

Essay by   •  November 1, 2010  •  341 Words (2 Pages)  •  4,311 Views

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Sarah Breedlove McWilliams was born in one of the most rural parts of Louisiana on December 23,1867.Though she was born to slaves, she later became a orphan at the young age of seven, she grew up in poverty and had to get jobs working in cotton fields in different parts of Mississippi. Seven years later she got married and conceived a child at the age of 18. Then the death of her husband came two years later, so she decided to travel to St. Louis to work with her brothers who had established themselves as barbers. Later on during the 1890's Walker tried to fight a scalp ailment condition that caused her to loose some of her hair. She tried a numerous amount of hair products and remedies made by another black woman whose name was Annie Malone.

In the year of 1905 Walker moved to Denver to be one of Annie Malone's sales agent and also married her second husband Charles Joseph Walker. Changing her name to Madame C.J. Walker. She went on to creating her own business selling her own product the "Madam Walker's Wonderful Hair Grower." Which was a combined formula of conditioning and a special healing formula. To promote her product she went door to door in South and Southeast Denver, doing demonstrations.Then she went on to open a college in Pittsburgh to train hair culturists. At this point she employed almost over 3,000 employees.

She was now known as the first known African American woman to become a self-made millonaire. Living through her success

for nearly fourteen years, she passed on at the age of fifty-two. She lived a life of perseverance, hard work, faith in herself and in God, and "honest business dealings" as she would say. During her life she created other inventions such as the wave machine which was popular among women white and black allowing for longer-lasting wavy hair styles. With her mind and great will, she will always be important in black history



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