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Jesus and the Temptation of Satan

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A Term Paper

Presented to

Bro. Bonifacio Pon-An Jr.

Sacred Heart Diocesan School, Inc.

“Where Peace Making is Life Giving”

Molave, Zamboanga Del Sur

In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for Christology



March 2018



                           Jesus and the temptation of Satan tells us about how Jesus faced and resist temptation. It tells us that we can always face all the trials and win against temptation. Right after Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist He was led to the Judean desert by the Holy Spirit, He fasted for forty days and forty nights and afterwards, He was tempted by the tempter, during this time Satan appeared to Jesus and tried to tempt Him. But Jesus refused each temptation. Then Jesus returned to galilee to begin His ministry. But we all know that it is all part of God’s plan for Jesus, to test how strong His faith for God is.

 Temptations are hunger, satisfaction, might, materialism wealth, lust and etc. John the Evangelist in His epistle calls these temptations as “lust of eyes, lust of body, and pride of life”. Temptations aim to mislead the three human characteristics that is to think, wish, and feel which is inside in our mind, soul and heart. Mark’s account is very brief merely noting the event. Matthew and Luke describe the temptations by recounting the details of the conversations between Jesus and Satan. Since the elements that are in Matthew and Luke but not in Mark are mostly pairs of quotations rather than detailed narration

Jesus temptations follow three patterns that are common to all. The first temptation concerns the lust of Flesh, Our Lord is hungry, and the devil tempts Him to convert stones into bread but He replies with a scripture quoting (Deuteronomy 8:3). The second temptation concerns the pride of life and here Satan uses a verse of Scripture but again the Lord replies with a scripture, stating that it is wrong for Him to abuse His own powers. The third temptation concerns the lust of eyes, and in any quick route to Messiahship could be attained, by passing the passion and crucifixion for which He had originally come, this was the way, the devil already had control over the kingdoms of our world but was now ready to give everything to Christ in return for his allegiance. But the mere thought almost causes the Lord’s divine nature to shudder at such a concept but He replies sharply, “You shall worship the Lord your God and serve Him only.”

There are many temptations that we sadly fall into because our flesh is naturally weak, but we have a God who will not let us be tempted beyond what we can bear and He will provide a way out. We can therefore be victorious and then will thank the Lord for the deliverance from temptation. Jesus experience in the desert will help us see these common temptations that keep us from serving God effectively. We learn from Jesus’s response to the temptations exactly how we are to respond to temptation with the scripture. We can only recognize and combat these temptations by saturating our hearts and minds with the truth.


The armor of a Christian soldier in the spiritual battle of life includes only one offensive weapon, the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God. Knowing the bible will put the sword in our hands and enable us to be victorious over temptations. The temptations of Christ were historic events set in the context of redemptive history. This shows us that the three temptations are not necessarily in chronological order, but are listed to show us how Christ endured and triumphed through them.

This is were historic events set in the context of redemptive history. In addition to fulfilling hundreds of prophecies, Jesus’ life and ministry fulfills numerous warnings and types found in the Old Testament from the Holy Gospel, which God Himself first revealed in Paradise, afterwards proclaimed by the holy patriarchs and prophets, and warning by the sacrifices and other ceremonies of the law, and finally fulfilled by His well-beloved Son.” Not only is Jesus the seed of the woman who will crush the Serpent’s head (Gen. 3:15) and the seed of Abraham though whom all the families of the earth will be blessed (Gen. 12:3), but He is also the new God of Israel. Through our consideration of the temptations of Christ, we will see that He is God’s chosen One who endures every trial and overcomes each temptation. On account of His work, we as God’s people find our acceptance and peace with God.

Christ comes and stands in direct contrast to their failures. Where they turned aside and were faithless, He stands strong and remains faithful. Satan was acting according to his nature, and, thankfully, Christ would act according to His. When Christ speaks His words of rebuke we are reminded of that authority again and again. He doesn’t ask. He doesn’t wish. He speaks with His rightful authority and tells Satan what to do.


Table of Contents

  1. INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………………………………..1
  2. BODY………………………………………………………………………………………………...3
  3. EXPLANATION…………………………………………………………………………………….5
  4. AFFIRMATION…………………………………………………………………………………….7
  5. INTEGRATION…………………………………………………………………………………...  8
  6. REFLECTION ……………………………………………………………………………………..9

  1. BODY

                      The temptation of Christ is detailed in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke. According to    these texts, after Christ was being baptized by John the Baptist, then He was led to the Judean Desert by the Holy Spirit and fasted for forty days and forty nights and afterwards He was hungry. But we all know that this is just part of God’s plan for Jesus. The first time Satan came and said to Jesus, “If you are the Son of God speak in order that these stones become bread” but Jesus resist the temptation of Satan and answered “It is written: Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes out of the mouth of God.” On the second temptation, Satan took Jesus to the Holy City and made Him stand on the highest point of the Temple and said “If you are the Son of God throw yourself down. For it is written that He will command His angels for you and their hands will support you, lest you strike your foot against a stone” And again Jesus resist the temptation and said “Again it is written that you shall not put the Lord, your God to the test.” On the third temptation, Satan took Jesus to a very high mountain, and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their magnificence. Then Satan said “All these I will give to you, if you kneel yourself and worship me, but Jesus again resist the temptation and said to him, “Depart, Satan! For it is written that You worship the Lord, your God and him alone you shall serve” then that is the time the Devil gave up on tempting Jesus and left him.



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