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Is It Wrong To Prevent People From Expressing Wrong Ideas?

Essay by   •  September 13, 2010  •  507 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,833 Views

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Is it wrong to prevent people from expressing "wrong" ideas?

It is not wrong to prevent people from expressing their "wrong" ideas because everyone is entitled to their own opinions. Freedom of speech is something that we all are able to exercise freely in the United States. The right to one's own thoughts and their disposition is a fundamental human right. If they choose to share them, they also have the right to control the way in which they may be shared. In this way, intellectual property rights and free expression are inextricably linked. Perhaps the most essential right is that of communication. Without the freedom to communicate, other rights deteriorate. The right to communicate however is also exercised by providing a forum for those who have been denied a means to speak out on important issues.

When told about the acts that occurred in Travers Hall, I was very upset that people would have the decency to deface school property and inflict some kind of hurt towards people. Although some people just look at this incident as nothing, it was clearly something. This is still an issue that needs to be addressed to the college students. The person(s) responsible for this act used it as a way to express themselves against the other ethnic backgrounds that live on campus. Since the first day of school, we have been constantly reminded of the topic of "Diversity". When asked what the word "diversity" means, one can come up with many definitions. Some that come to mind are means different ethnicity, race, nationality or culture. It can also be illustrated as people with different thoughts and ideas, social status or economic/education levels or different religious backgrounds. Now with this in mind, why would people deface property with racial slurs and artwork? These people are absent-minded of the fact that there are many ethnic groups



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