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1999 Dbq

Essay by   •  December 17, 2010  •  737 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,910 Views

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The settlers of the New England region were most likely driven to succeed in the New World because of how they had been treated in England. They had been strictly persecuted for their religious beliefs, and God was a major part of their lives. This is clearly demonstrated in Document A, an excerpt from John Winthrop's, A Model of Christian Charity, which he wrote on board the Arbella on the Atlantic Ocean. He says "We must consider that we shall be as a city upon a hill. The eyes of all people are upon us, so that if we shall deal falsely with our God in this work we have undertaken, and so cause him to withdraw his present help from us, we shall be made a story and by-word through the world". These views differ from those of the Chesapeake settlers. Captain John Smith in his History of Virginia told of the constant search for gold and other riches, and the disregard for proper food and shelter. "There was no talk...but dig gold, wash gold, refine gold, load gold..." It's clear that a great deal of the Chesapeake settlers had priorities that greatly contrasted those of the New England settlers. And because of this, the early economic structures of the two regions were very different.

Along with dissimilar economies (staple crop in the Chesapeake and artisan industries in New England) came differences in political structure. Document D gives an instance of an early set of laws that were enforced in the New England region called The Articles of Agreement. A few examples are:

1. We intend that our town shall be composed of forty families, and poor.

2. That every inhabitant shall have a convenient proportion for a house lot, as we shall see [fit] for everyone's quality and estate...

3. That everyone shall have a share of the meadow or planting ground...

This shows that these settlers actually made an attempt at developing a set of laws or guidelines that the inhabitants of the area could live by. These early articles would eventually develop into a more advanced political structure. Soon church members would be able to vote, and town meetings would be the law making bodies of the region. The Chesapeake region differed in that it had a more aristocratic style of politics. Due to the large cash crop plantations, the most political power came from those with the most land and/or money.

The final major difference that distinguishes the New England region from the Chesapeake region is their respective social structures. In New England, the communities were very close knit. Family life was extremely



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