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The One Minutes Manager Meets The Monkey

Essay by   •  December 14, 2010  •  446 Words (2 Pages)  •  2,067 Views

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The One Minutes Manger Meets the Mondey, written by Kenneth Blanchard,William Oncken, Jr. nd Hal burrows essentially deals with the initial step to management. It talks about the transition from being managed to managing.

The boodk describes some rather simple rules for managing better by not taking on other people's work. It says that by doing so you are making things harder for yourself, and actually are not doing an iprtant part of your job which is to help people develop.

The book addresses the question as to why some manager run out of time, while their employees are not working. It states that manager are taking on their employees monkeys. Monkeys in this case are defind as the "next move" to be taken in any problem or situation. An example would be when themanager says to his employees "let me think about it" or "I'll get back to you on this". The books says that many times the employee should be able to solve some of those problems without running to the manager who in turn accepts it.

The books talks about four rules of monkey management: 1. Describe the Monkey: The dialogue betwen a manager and the employee must not end until appropriate "next moves" are identified and specified. 2. Assign the Monkey: All Monkeys shall be owned and handled at the lowest organizational level consistent with their welfare. 3. Insure the Monkey: Every mokey leaving the managers presence on the back of one of the people must be covered by one of the two insurance policies. 1. recommend, then act or 2 act and then advise 4) Check on the mondkey: proper follow-up means healthier monkeys. Every monkey needs a checkup appointment.

The purpose of these rules is to make sure the right things get done the right way at the right time by the right people. The books goes on to talk about assigning and delegating work. It discusses



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