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The Beacon Of The Media Industry: Analysis Of Time Magazine

Essay by   •  December 18, 2010  •  1,071 Words (5 Pages)  •  1,849 Views

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Since 1923, Time Magazine has delivered reliable and effective news to the world. Covering news as it happens, Time has captured the attention of countless readers, most of whom range from the ages of eighteen to forty-nine. Time is composed of a variety of complex articles that deal with current events. Many readers of Time tend to be well educated students and/or have successful careers. Due to Time's countless political articles, readers of the magazine tend to be politically active registered voters. Effectively satisfying this target market, Time Magazine has succeeded in becoming one of the most influential and demanding magazines in the world. Time's covers, advertisements, and articles have greatly contributed to its success.

Time Magazine has mesmerized the world with its creative and appealing magazine covers. Every cover portrays either a controversial character or a current event. For example, the September issue portrayed a picture of the infamous Iranian President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The President is well known for his nuclear ambitions and harsh rhetoric towards the West and has been a focus of constant political debate. Many of those who are politically active have become curious about this contentious figure. As a result, they will feel inclined to purchase this magazine, and will later convince their friends to do likewise. Besides that magazine's photographs, the covers of Time Magazine contain effective teasers that lure readers to the publication. For instance, one teaser announced, "What war with Iran would look like." This teaser creates suspense by offering readers a scenario that most of Time's political audience would be interested in: war with Iran. Time Magazine has been well exalted for its creative and unique covers. Time's covers are indeed one of the many factors that have contributed to the magazines enormous success around the world. If we ever want to experience such success, we must step up our efforts and improve our magazine covers.

It is nearly impossible to read an issue of Time Magazine without glancing at its amusing advertisements. Unlike most magazines, Time's advertisements are meaningful and effectively convince readers to purchase the advertised product or service. One such advertisement for the Dow Company, demonstrates Time's target market of educated individuals. The advertisement states, "From addressing the challenges of climate change to providing a glass of clean water." This advertisement indicates that unlike other chemical companies, Dow is concerned with the environment and the pollution it releases to the environment. Educated readers are well aware of the dangers that face the environment today and will have a positive opinion of a company that is environmentally responsible. The Dow Company purchases advertising space to promote environmental safety in Time Magazine due to the broad, intelligent demographics of its readers. Besides complex ads, Time is also composed of straightforward, but effective advertisements. Credit card advertisements have become a popular choice for Time. Recently, Visa and Capital One have increased the amount of advertisement space in Time. Capital One asks its audience to examine their credit credits with the slogan, "What's in your wallet?" These statements indicate that credit card companies are willing to offer their customers better alternatives such as secure credit cards with low interest rates. Therefore, these ads are targeted towards all individuals seeking a better choice in credit cards. These individuals can range from any age group; therefore these particular advertisements target all of Time's audience. Indeed, Time's creative advertisements have set it apart from other mundane ads. We must amend the ads in our magazine if we ever want to compete with Time, for a magazine like Time transforms all of its readers into loyal customers.

In addition to the magazines effective advertisements, Time magazine is also composed of groundbreaking articles. Focusing on both domestic and global issues, Time provides a reliable source of news for the entire world. Unlike other magazines,



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