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Television Violence Has Negative Effects On Children's Behavior

Essay by   •  July 26, 2010  •  664 Words (3 Pages)  •  3,429 Views

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Television Violence Has Negative Effects on Children's Behavior

The conducting of studies during the past years have revealed that television violence has increased and that there has been strong evidence which suggest that television violence does play a major contributing factor in the learning of aggressive behavior in children who frequently view violent shows which are shown during prime times, when children are most likely to be captivated by them. As a result, youth violence has since been growing throughout the years. This television violence causes destructive behavior in children and can be a powerful influence to young viewers in our society. The uncensored and explicit graphics that are displayed during these shows can have a great influence on a child's behavior, as children often imitate what they see. These children are made to believe that it is a customary thing in real life to duplicate the violence they watch on these programs which can increase aggressiveness in children causing them to become violent, particularly aggressive, and vicious. Some manifesting effects that have been demonstrated in children are that of mean behavior towards others, aggressive actions while playing with classmates and toys, intimidation, and also fear. In other words, violence in the media helps promote and encourage children and adolescents to, without restraint, express their violent behavior. Cartoons, which children watch the most, are now showing more extremely aggressive incidents which often include humor as a disguise. In many households television is the center of activity for children, or acts as a baby-sitter. This proves to be highly dangerous with young minds because some children at tender ages are unable to understand or grasp the concept of reality versus fantasy. Many can grow up thinking that violence is okay since it was seen on a cartoon or children's show. Therefore, television violence is a very serious issue in our society. We must recognize that it only causes negative effects on our children's behavior. This issue has taken a toll on our society and is too great a problem to look the other way.

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