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Tata Vs Holden Case Study

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CSR Reporting for Tata and GM Holden



Part 1: Selected Companies

GM Holden Ltd.

Tata Motors Ltd.





Motor Vehicle

Motor Vehicle

Part 2: Values, Social Responsibility, and Reporting on Social Responsibility

GM Holden Ltd.

Tata Motors Ltd.

Company Values

GM Holden believes that the company values support their purpose, and are the foundation for every activity undertaken at Holden – how they behave, communicate, and hold each other accountable (, 2015). These values include:

  • Customers: GM Holden puts its customers at the center of everything they do. They listen to customers’ needs as well as holding safety and quality as the foundational commitments.
  • Relationships: Holden’s success depends on its relationship from inside and outside of the company.
  • Excellence: By acting with integrity, the company’s values come from ingenuity and innovation.

According to Srivastava, Negi, and Mishra (2012), Tata Motor’s values are based on the following:

  • Inclusion
  • Integrity
  • Accountability
  • Customer
  • Innovation
  • Concern for the environment
  • Passion for excellence, and
  • Agility

Approach to Social Responsibility

GM Holden desires to make a positive influence on the Australian community by going beyond its products and services they create. The company aims to create an environment where every employee enjoys, as well as improving the quality of life for the outside community. GM Holden’s plans include addressing societal challenges, as well as promoting constructive change in the areas of community and social services, community safety, education, innovation, and technology, environment, and employee involvement (, 2015).

At Tata Motors, CSR is an individual part of their business. The company’s social responsibility addresses the proximate needs of the surrounding communities in the areas of education, health, infrastructure, imparting skills, and varying needs of sustainability including environmental protection (Srivastava, Negi, & Mishra, 2012).

Reporting on Social Performance

The company’s performance is evident through different programs to the community and employees as listed below:

  • Leukemia foundation of Australia
  • Driver education and training
  • World solar challenge
  • Youth leadership
  • Sustainable schools
  • Reducing emissions
  • Clean air awards
  • Waste to landfill
  • Landcare Australia
  • Volunteering
  • Mentoring
  • Fundraising support
  • Dealer involvement
  • Payroll giving
  • Health and safety policies
  • Gender balance
  • Apprenticeships
  • Holden college
  • Human rights, etc. (, 2015)

From its reports, the company has created self-sustainable cooperative societies, built schools and hospitals for the wellbeing of the community. The company’s employees volunteer in certain social initiatives supported by the company. To show its commitment to the community, the company has adopted four CSR trust areas. These areas include health, education, employability, and environment. Since 2010, the company has provided more than 200 villages with clean water to drink. All the commitments of the company are indicated in its CSR reports for each year (Srivastava, Negi, & Mishra, 2012).

Part 3: Responses to Questions

  1. Differences between Holden and Tata in terms of Reports’ issues

In terms of the issues dealt with in the individual reports, the two companies present different sets of objectives aimed at addressing same contexts (Rahman & Post, 2012). This means the Tata presents the most common issues within its community and issues that affect community members individually, while Holden Motors presents issues that affect the community as a large. Tata chooses to address issues such as education, health, employability, and environment. While both companies address health and environment, Holden chooses to go further and address the issues of leadership, technology, gender balance, apprenticeships, and human rights. Holden Motors goes to the depth of addressing its CSR issues one by one, while Tata only goes to the depth of its most critical issues, and addresses the other issues in a more general way.

  1. Country Differences

First, in terms of economy, Australia is a developed nation, while India is a developing nation. This means that India’s dire needs lie in the most basic sectors such as education, health, and infrastructure. Australia has already fulfilled those basics and its most basic needs include technology and human relations. While India’s GDP rate is higher than Australia’s, it only shows that all the industries in India need to establish these necessities in support of its government, as well as the community to promote the national values. These values can only be promoted by employing more people within its industries, which increases per capita income, and thus boosting economy growth. In Australia, the country has already invested in health, education, and infrastructure, and thus the industries within the country need to contribute to social issues that need addressing. These issues include promoting technology within the country, supporting fundraisers, gender balance issues, human rights, and apprenticeships (Dagiliene, 2015). For Holden Motors, the only way to fulfil their social corporate responsibility is by addressing these issues, and those that affect the environment as well.



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