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Should Gay Marriage Be Legal

Essay by   •  December 15, 2010  •  1,629 Words (7 Pages)  •  1,752 Views

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According to Christian belief, in the beginning, god made Adam a man and then made eve a woman. He gave Adam a woman, not a man, so that the human race can maintain. For thousands of years homosexuality has been a sin or misconduct in many, if not all, religions. We are continually beset with this controversial topic and now have reached an age in where homosexuality is more open and widely received than it has ever been before. Now, gay men and women fight for the right to be married. In Christianity, marriage is a life long commitment under god. It is well known to many Christians that practicing homosexuality is a major sin. How can a union, which is created for man and woman, under god, bond two partners of the same sex if it is stated in god's book that it is morally wrong? Homosexuals should be allowed to make a lifetime commitment to their partners, but it should be called something other than marriage and should not be under god.

The biggest problem the gay population faces regarding legal marriage is the Christians. A true Christian doesn't want a married gay couple to have the same title as he and his wife have, because they take the vowel under god seriously. A firm believer would say that a gay marriage is absurd. Homosexuality goes against nature because we were given sexual organs for the purpose of reproduction, not for pleasure. It is believed that homosexuals will be forsaken for committing abominable acts and, through some misinterpretations, also deserve death. When gay pride walks are taking place, some Christians protest this in the name of Jesus. The story of Sodom and Gomorrah, in the bible, is one filled with vivid pictures of the cities' destruction mainly because of the overindulgence of homosexual freedom. Some Christians believe that can happen again and that the lord will show no mercy. Many diseases can be inherited through anal sex; some say this is a punishment sent from god for the injustice. Marriage cannot be through god if it is against the guidelines he has given us. If it was meant for people to be with the same sex, then the human race would have been expunged a long time ago. "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it." Genesis 1:27-28.

With the promotion of homosexuality in the media today, there will be an affect on future generations to come. There are gay people in TV shows, such as Queer Eye for the Straight Guy and movies like Broke Back Mountain, regularly now. This has a high influence on how society, mainly the youth, perceive homosexuality. Children's minds are like sponges and soak up all that they see. This can persuade the youth to think that homosexuality is harmless and gay people are cool and amusing. When children watch celebrities on their favorite shows they begin to idolize them and want to emulate them. If the government allows same sex marriages it puts the 'icing on the cake' for the youth to view this as morally right, when it is not. There are gay couples now who are adopting children because they can't procreate one. Growing up with two fathers or two mothers can really confuse a child who associates with other children who have a mother and father. This can cause psychological problems with the adopted child who already wonders where and what his/her biological parents are and can possibly cause a breakdown or disorder. If children are influenced by their parents more than anyone else, then the gay parents will raise a gay child therefore breeding more homosexuals.

The current president, George Bush, strongly opposes gay marriage along with most of America's legislators and politicians.Recently, Minnesota state senator Paul Koering openly 'came out the closet' and admitted being a homosexual. He voted no against the attempted marriage amendments for gays to be married. The only state to grant a legal gay marriage license is the state of Massachusetts. Two other states have no direct prohibition of gay marriage, and the rest of the states forbid matrimony. The government outlaws this not because of moral value but because of votes. If they allow the same marriage to occur between man and wife as they do homosexuals, they will lose millions of votes and many people will be livid. Legalizing same sex marriage can cause a chain reaction that may become bad for all Americans. Protests will occur throughout the country and hostility against gays may take place. New anti-gay organizations will form resembling the infamous Ku Klux Klan of the nineteen-twenties, which had about fifteen to twenty percent of the nation in its grip. This may also perhaps create an international clash and cause other countries to view America even more wicked or immoral than we already appear. The government has a lot more to think about in a situation like this other than the questionable right to a same sex marriage under god.

Through all the difficulty with the religious groups and the government the gay communities still remains tenacious on their fight for rights and marriage, and believe that god has not forsaken them. Although homosexuals are supposedly condemned to death, there are many who are religious. According to "Calling the Rainbow Nation Home" by ET Sunby, a gay woman continued to go to church and claimed to have felt the Holy Ghost. She hid it from others because she did not want to distance herself from god or the church. She goes on to say that god is not concerned of the superficial



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