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Self-Control Theory of Crime Evaluation

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Self-Control Theory of Crime Evaluation

Ginger Gentry

AJS / 514

Martha Dalesio

July 3, 2017

Self-Control Theory of Crime Evaluation


     In this paper, I will be comparing the conflict theory to the social control theory.  My opinion will be given on the theory I feel organizes a well job of speaking the occurrence of lawbreaking in modern American civilization.  This paper will also include an assessment of the paraphernalia of negative and positive reinforcement on crime in both theoretical frames.  Because there are several different theories about how criminality is created and how it grows and manifests in a person, looking at the two theories that will be considered here will help to provide a better perspective on how criminals are created.  Some believe that there are just bad people and they often born that way, but studies indicate that most criminals are taught the behaviors in which they engage (Hirschi T., Stark, (1969); Hirshi & Gottfredson, 2008).  However, that does not mean that they cannot choose a different path or that they absolutely should be criminals if they decide to set their sights on something better.  Society does not always have the final say, even though many people who attempts to avoid criminal behavior can still get involved in criminality if they allow themselves to do so.  

Conflict Theory

     Over the years, there have been distinctive theories created on the interconnection of crime. Some of these theories concentrate on the biological reasons for crime while other’s tackle the psychological explanations why crime transpires.  The social activities within a criminal’s life being the reason behind crime happening has also be theorized.  The social clarification of crime explores the criminal’s situation and how they network among society.  This paper will detail two possible social reasons for crime; social control a conflict theory.  Conflict theory gives the view of crime as if being caused by social and financial forces within society.  The conflict theory is a Marxist- based theory that claims that individuals or groups (social classes) (Cooper, A.R.1996) inside civilization partake a differing amount of resources or non-material resources, and that extra influential groups practice their control to feat clusters of people through fewer control.  Breaking things down to be better understood would mean that the conflict theory positions that battles or tension may ascend once capitals are not evenly circulated among clusters of people and that these battles tend to develop the force behind social change.  This can range from poverty stricken areas not have the same items as a suburban area, or even the power that certain individuals may have and the control it can have over the ones that do not possess that same amount of power

“Conflict theory states that tensions and conflicts arise when resources, status, and power are unevenly distributed between groups in society and that these conflicts become the engine for social change” (Crossman, 2016).  This can cause a distinctive criminal grouping as a reaction to power struggles in society.  On the other hand, conflict theory additionally finds that the accurate quantity of conflict can precede to affirmative transformation; however, once the conflict is the aftermath of one group controlling society the outcome will be crime.  As disparity is present and a power struggle occurs the group experiencing the disparity will come together to develop their well-being even if this entails participating in criminal doings.  If the lower classes must fight for an equivalent economic stake but do not receive the chance to acquire this equivalent stake the outcome is nonconformity and the development of a criminal sub group.  When Karl Marx invented the conflict theory he fixated on the reasons and significances of lecture amongst the ones that have power to the ones that do not have power.  Marx theorized that the system existed on rich and powerful and the oppressed and poor, this created the conflict because the two were at odds and the lifestyles and areas where not of the same caliber.  As society has evolved so has the economy.  The conditions for the poor and poverty stricken declined, while the conditions for the rich and powerful flourished.  Marx believed maybe, if variations were complete to appease conflict preserved an entrepreneurial structure, then rotation of struggle would only duplicate itself.   If there were variations made that shaped a socialist structure that would achieve constancy and harmony.

Social Control Theory

     The theory of social control pacts with problems encouraging societal command and conformism.  Various research sociologist’s motives for conformism and unconventionality to societal standards.  Numerous aspects regulate if a person will or will not engage in felonious or irregular conduct.  Social control theory deals with problems endorsing societal demand and conformism.  Research from sociologists several explanations aimed at traditionalism and unconventionality to social norms.  Social control theory revisions just how the issuance of guidelines in civilization is to uphold a normal of instruction.  The theory of social control suggests that societal solidity depend on the opportunities that individuals relay to each other concerning graciousness and morals.  Monitoring of individuals actions in humanity are the basis of social control theory.  Recognizing procedures that may avoid different actions or discourage people from criminal actions ae the main focus of the social control theory.  The social control theory realizes that humanity has a certain responsibility to establish restrictions that will control criminal activities in society in addition to offering the essential supervision to react successfully to crime.  Per Williams & McShane (2014), “Social control theories feature corruption and misbehavior to the normal sociological variables.  Social control theory simplifies on two important areas; informal and formal power structures.  Both informal and formal structures shape on standards established back by acceptance in civilization.  The variance is official regulator structures and constructing utensils of the authorized organization and familiar governor classifications that starts inside friends, customs, and families.  Social control theory partakes a most important part in consideration in felonious actions.  The interpretation of felonious performances is interactive methods cultured from upper class individuals that converted their insights of normality in society.  An individual’s constant exposure to deviant behaviors makes him or her more vulnerable to participate in the same behaviors he or she witnesses.  In comparison of the conflict and social control theories both are a basis of extensive research.  However, essentially the result is an individual’s behavior in society and the foundation of early childhood.  



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