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Roll Of Thunder Hear My Cry

Essay by   •  October 30, 2010  •  263 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,951 Views

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In Mildred D. Taylor's Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry the Logan's family is faced with many different hardships, some more serious than other . The main character Cassie lives with her Mom, Dad, Grandmother and three brothers. The book mainly revolves around Cassie and the events that happen to her family. These events make Cassie a much stronger person and help her to understand that having land of their own is her family's source of pride and strength. Cassie also found herself coming to conclusions about everyday life for a black person and their family living in Mississippi. The land, the 400 acres of land her family owned, was more important than anything. It was what kept Logan's together. It gave them their livelihood and their courage, and nothing, not even Mr. Granger, could take it away from them. With this land, the Logan's possessed something that no one could take away from them. Even though the Logan's had the land, that didn't make times any easier. Mr. Granger and the Wallace's didn't like the fact that the Logan's owned the land and they would try to do anything within their powers to take the land from them, "because he's [Mr. Granger] one of those people who has to believe that white people are better are better than black people to make himself feel big". When T.J., a friend of the family, gets into serious trouble with the law, Cassie watches her family's strength defy Mississippi racism. I enjoyed the story because the character seemed so real and the events are suspenseful.



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