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Robert Frost

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Robert Frost

Robert frost was born March 26, 1874, in San Francisco California where he lived the first eleven years of his life. After his father died he moved with his sister and mother to Eastern Massachusetts near his grandparents. He started writing his first poems while he was in high school at Lawrence, where he also graduated as Valedictorian. Frost went to Dartmouth college in 1892. After college in 1895 he married to a wonderful woman by the name Elinor Miriam White.

Robert Frost and his wife Elinor both taught school until about 1897 when Frost went to Harvard College for about two years. After Harvard he returned to Lawrence with his wife because he had health problems.

Soon after, Robert and Elinor Had their second child.

As the years past they had decided to move on a farm right over the Massachusetts border in New Hampshire. Over the years on their farm, they had six more children, which two died at birth. Shortly after, Frost had sold the farm, and sailed with his family to Beaconsfield, just outside of London.

For the first 18 months of living in Beaconsfield, Frost would ride forty minutes on the train to London where he would roam the streets going into book stores. Shortly after he was finishing up the manuscript of A Boy's Will.

In late October that year, the book was finally accepted by David Nutt for Publication that following March.

In April Frost moved his family one-hundred miles northwest of London in a cottage in the rolling Gloucester shire farmland near Dymock.

When Frost and his family returned to the United States in February the following year he was known as a leading voice in the new poetry movement.

In the year of 1930, Robert Frost won a second Pulitzer Prize for collected poems. The very first Pulitzer prize was won by New Hampshire.

A Further Range was actually what won Frost's third Pulitzer award. One of his many beautiful pieces.

Ten months after all of his glory from winning the first and third prize, his beloved wife Elinor died and then Robert's world had broken into a million pieces. Alone, his lover had died, full of guilt and misery, Frost did the best that he could to find happiness from his children.

For some amount of time Frost continued to teach. It didn't last long before Frost resigned his position and stayed his days on the farm. Frost soon became an angry man, throwing erratic fits in public and at home. This soon brought worried attention Frost's way. Soon after finding out about this, Kathleen Morrison, one of Frost's friends, stepped in and offered her help. Frost accepted at once and made her his official secretary- manager. What nobody knew at the time, Frost and Morrison had already been seeing each other for a long amount of time and both promised to keep it at secrecy.

During the 1940's Robert Frost published four new books, A Witness Tree in 1942, Masque of Reason in 1945, Masque of Mercy in 1947 and Steeple Bush in 1947.

In the last fifteen years of his life Frost was the most highly esteemed American Poet of the twentieth century. He had received forty-four honorary degrees and a host of government tributes including birthday greetings from the Senate, a congressional medal, an appointment as honorary consultant to the library of congress and an invitation from John F. Kennedy to recite a poem at his presidential inauguration.

Frost traveled on good-will missions:



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