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Reflective Paper

Essay by   •  December 5, 2010  •  1,487 Words (6 Pages)  •  1,921 Views

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Muscle Reading

Reading is a task that causes many people to daydream, doze off, or get distracted while doing so, especially if the subject does not interest them. A technique called Muscle Reading, has been created to help increase concentration while helping to avoid daydreams and reduce the amount of road-blocks while reading. This strategy includes Three Phases: Before you Read, While you Read, and After you Read. While teaching you more simple ways to preview, underline, and outline, "this technique is a way to decrease effort and struggle by increasing energy and skill." When completing the tasks involved you are able to get more out of your reading and spend less time doing so. Muscle Reading is an effective way to become more active , and actually learning what is being read.

Displaying these techniques in my school studies have given me a better outcome in my reading. This strategy is important to me because I have set a goal to become a better student. Learning more and trying harder comes along with becoming a better student. I used to watch television or listen to the radio while reading, now I proceed to follow the steps provided to help me through these barriers. First, I preview the material and look for specific topics, then outline actively. Asking questions about the topic can help you prepare to look for answers. While I an reading, I underline words sparingly that have a purpose, then try to answer the questions that I have previously asked. When I am finished reading I recite the what I have read, then review the material within the first twenty-four hours of learning it, then review it again soon after. I have struggled with reading all of my life and using the Muscle Reading strategies have increased my ability to learn what I am reading. I believe that this technique can help improve the reading capabilities of anyone that needs help.

Research and reading hold a high importance in the career filed. By using the Muscle Reading techniques I can learn more actively and stay focused on the task at hand. In giving a presentation, I need to know my topic thoroughly. By finding questions and answering them myself, can help me be prepared for questions that may be asked by others. General Studies, such as History, have never been exciting for me to read about.

Although it is difficult to stay focused, this strategy is extremely helpful. Previewing and outlining can cut down on unnecessary reading. Verbalizing what I have read helps me better memorize the material as well as remembering it for a longer period of time. When I am learning a new topic at school I have begun to review the subject soon after learning it, then reviewing it again. This helps me gain the confidence that I have needed in how I learn and get the most out of my classes.


"Self-discovery can fuel your motivation to succeed in school, in the workplace and in any other aspect of your life." Knowing who you are and what you want is a positive outcome from being motivated. Motivation comes in all different forms, which can help you achieve any type of goal. When something is missing within ourselves, it begins with a lack of willpower. Some avoid situations and procrastinate due to their lack of motivation. There are many ways to help achieve your self-discipline, which will lead to rewarding opportunities. Sweetening the task, asking for support, and adopting a model are just a few suggestions to help you gain comfort. "Motivation can simply come from being clear about your goals and acting on them." We sometimes use motivation as an excuse process in our success, even though it only involves a little practice.

Throughout my life I have set many goals that I wanted to achieve. Since many of them were unrealistic, I simply was not motivated enough to achieve them. Reading this article and applying the steps to my goals have changed my outlook on setting goals, as well as achieving them. At one point, I put off school due to not knowing what I wanted. When I discovered what it was that I was missing, I became motivated to become a better student. Setting a realistic goal and realizing that I could have a future, gave me great hope. In my recent discovery of self-discipline asking people for help played a large role. Although, it was hard at first, I realized that having someone by your side helping you to be accountable for your word, was better than going through it by yourself. Someone successful recently came into my life and he helped me discover that I needed to get out there and go for what I wanted. In learning these steps for motivation, I believe that it will be helpful for me in future activities as well as the present.

Applying the knowledge that I have gained into my personal life have made a massive impact in my self-discovery. Anyone can achieve what they want as long as you put your mind to it. Recently, I have set a goal to lose seven pounds before the New Year. My mom is my support in helping me stay away from certain foods and stick to my work out. I also recently just started dating someone, so that helps



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