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Patriot Act

Essay by   •  November 28, 2010  •  455 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,683 Views

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1. Shannon, McCaffrey (2004, May 23). New laws to combat terrorism are working their way through Congress. Knight Ridder tribune Washington Bereau (D.C.)

The Justice Department wants to find a way to expand its anti-terrorism powers by adding other methods such as a FBI subpoena power. Some may say that the changes in the bills are of the most significant since Congress passed the Patriot Act after the September 11, 2001, terror attacks. Some of the actions that were taken place have been recycled from a controversial Justice Department draft of a bill, called "Patriot II," which was discarded after details of its provisions were given to the media. Daniel Bryant, the assistant attorney general for legal policy, said the Patriot Act has helped law enforcement detect and disrupt terrorist plots. "But while Congress and the administration working together have made significant strides in improving the department's capacity to gather the intelligence necessary to prevent terrorist attacks, there is still more that needs to be done," Bryant told lawmakers at a May 18 hearing. Critics do not think giving law enforcement officials more power, complaining that there is not enough information has been made available about how the Justice Department is using the tools in the Patriot Act.

There giving reasons why the patriot Act is being force and people complaining and telling why it not right to I am using this to show that the Partiot Act will help enforce certain rules and regulations that the government do not pay attention to. This article also talks about a new way to expand anti- terrorism powers by adding other methods.

2. Pike, George H. (2004, June 20) A Safer USA Patriot Act. Information Today.

This article offers facts about the U.S. Patriot Act, which was ratified following the terrorist attacks in the country on September 11, 2001. It restructured



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