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Navajo/Hopi Land Dispute

Essay by   •  December 19, 2010  •  1,462 Words (6 Pages)  •  1,809 Views

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The dispute over land between the Navajo Tribe and Hopi Tribe has been an on going dispute since the late 1800's. Although it might not seem like a high priority topic of conversation for most people, it is a very personal and sentimental topic for these two tribes. The Navajo population outnumbers the Hopi by a ratio of ten to one, while the amount of Hopi land has been reduced from its original size. To understand this complex situation between the two tribes, "A comprehensive solutionÐ'--rather than case-by-case negotiationÐ'--is needed to solve the numerous land dispute issues confronting the Navajo and Hopi tribes" (Hardeen 1985: 9). After reading two major city newspapers and two Native American newspapers, it is evident in their discussion the differences of the two nations and yet the similarities of their goals.

After reading the article titled "Navajo Registers On Hopi Reservation Face Deadline For Eviction" by Gary Ghioto, a Boston Globe correspondent, it seems that the Navajo-Hopi land dispute began in the late 1800's. This article was placed in the National/Foreign section on page A26. Ghioto gave a vivid description of what a Navajo woman was feeling. "Sometimes we just cry. We look around for our people and they're gone" (Ghioto 2000: A26). This woman's statement that Ghioto has captured in this article, sticks in your head as you continue to read. The strange fact from this article is that the Navajo Indians are living on Hopi land, yet the Navajo tribe is greater in number than the Hopi tribe. What Ghioto is trying to explain in this article is that the years-old controversy is still as complicated as before, as more and more people are becoming involved. "Hopi leaders said the tribe is being demonized by "outside agitators" who know nothing about the complicated land dispute or the agreement endorsed by the

Navajo tribe and the US government four years ago that sought to resolve the conflict" (Ghioto 2000: A26).

The protest that Ghioto is reporting on is about those that support the Navajo's who face eviction from the disputed Hopi land. His article is trying to explain the situation from both the Hopi and Navajo perspectives. As Ghioto states, "To the Hopis, the onslaught of activists and propaganda portraying them as villains is disheartening, but they intend to move forward to claim their ancestral lands" (Ghioto 2000: A26).

In The New York Times article titled "Judge to Rule in Ages-Old Indian Land Dispute" by James Brook, he is discussing a ruling from a Federal District Court explaining that the Hopi tribe would receive a large sum of money. As stated in the article in the National Section on page B6, "If the Navajo families don't sign leases, they will be trespassers subject to eviction" (Brook 1997: B6). Brook describes this dispute much like the age-old land disputes in the Middle East between the Israelis and Palestinian's and in the Balkans. This just goes along with many other disputed territories around the world. Each tribe has a deep personal relationship with the land. The Navajos feel that "All of our beliefs, all of our ceremonies are tied to this land" (Brook 1997: B6). This article seems to be in favor of the Navajos' beliefs. Brook seems to sympathize with the Navajos' and thinks that the Hopis' only want the money for energy products that they will get through the settlement of this dispute. From the Navajo point of view, "They want that dollar. Greed has taken over" (Brook 1997: B6).

Looking at these two major, respected United States newspapers, The Boston Globe and The New York Times, they both have placed these articles in their National

section, even though they have placed it many pages away from current national issues and world politics. Both articles seem to be in these newspapers to show an interest to their respective readers on current Native American issues. Each writer, Ghioto and Brook, make the readers sympathize and empathize in their articles by using personal accounts or memories from members of each tribe. The Boston Globe article tends to focus more on how the Hopis' feel about giving up their ancestral land whereas The New York Times article tends to make you sympathize with the Navajo and their way of life.

In the Native American weekly newspaper, Sho-Ban News, the article titled "Cooperation Key To Settling Land Dispute" by George Hardeen, was placed on page nine. He seems to be summarizing what needs to be focused on in order to resolve the age-old land dispute between the Navajo and Hopi tribes. This summary comes from a report to President Ronald Reagan by Richard Morris and Judge William P. Clark. Hardeen summarizes from the report saying, "We may be at issue for still another century" (Hardeen 1985: 9). This statement will be true unless a plan is put into place that works for both tribes. Not only does he restate the historical views of the dispute, he said that, "The tribal leaders involved in the dispute today are not the perpetrators of it" (Hardeen 1985: 9). In this article, Hardeen tends to chastise the Hopis for not trying to negotiate and work toward a settlement. Since this is a Native American



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