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Lotus Rental Car Cfo

Essay by   •  December 29, 2010  •  941 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,363 Views

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Defining Childhood Obesity and its Impact on Children

The key to defining obesity levels is the issue of how we should define childhood obesity. Three different classification systems are commonly used; each uses a version of the Body Mass Index (BMI). BMI is calculated by dividing weight in kilograms by the square of person's height in meters. Evidence shows childhood obesity to be associated with depression, especially among the very obese. Overall self-esteem is lowered and the cost to peer interactions is also noted in social network analysis. Recent research has shown 58 % of children with a BMI above the 95th percentile have hypertension, hyperlipidemia, or insulin resistance. Twenty five percent have two or more of these (Rudolf, 2004).

Child and Adolescent Food and Nutrition Programs

All children and adolescents, regardless of age, sex, socioeconomic status, racial diversity, ethnic diversity, linguistic diversity, or health status, should have access to food and nutrition programs that ensure the availability of a safe and adequate food supply that promotes optimal physical, cognitive, social, and emotional growth and development. The registered dietitian and dietetic technician have the duty to act as an advocate for the establishment of child-care, school, and community settings conducive to the development of good nutrition habits (Elsevier, 2007).

School wellness policies in California (2006-2007) included nutrition guidelines for all foods sold on school campuses throughout the day and also includes goals for nutrition education, physical activities, and establishment of a plan for implementation of the policy, including designating one or more persons within the local educational agency or at each school to be responsible for compliance and to be developed by parents, students, food service staff, the school board, school administrators, and the public (Briggs, Krikpatrick, & Zindenberg-Cherr, 2007). The school survey showed that teachers recognize the need for incorporating nutrition into the school curriculum. As support materials become available, they will have the resources they need for incorporating nutrition lessons into their daily school curriculum.

School regulations provide guidelines for healthy meals in school environment. School meals must meet the applicable recommendations of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, which recommend that no more than 30 percent of a person's calories come from fat and less than 10 percent from saturated fat. School lunches must provide one-third of the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for protein, calcium, iron, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and calories. School breakfasts must provide one-fourth of these RDAs. Local school's food authorities decide which specific foods to serve and how to prepare them. "Foods of minimal nutritional value" as defined by federal regulations, cannot be sold in school food service areas during the meal periods (Story, Kaphingst, & French, 2007).

Current Research on Evaluating Programs and Policies to Improve the School Food Environment

Three studies at local schools have reported that competitive pricing and promotions can lead to increases in student purchases of fruits, vegetables, and low-fat foods. The available evidence suggests that the greatest gains in student consumption of nutritious foods and beverages are achieved when multiple strategies are combined to promote healthy choices. An evaluation of the Teens Eating for Energy and Nutrition at School (TEENS) program showed that students in the seventh and eighth grades who were exposed to the most program components had higher intakes of fruits, vegetables and other nutritious low-fat foods when compared with students exposed to fewer components. This program used several strategies to reach students, including peer-led classroom education; take-home activities for students to



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