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Lord Of The Flies

Essay by   •  September 8, 2010  •  1,310 Words (6 Pages)  •  1,993 Views

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A Report On: Lord Of The Flies

The following report is on William Golding's Lord Of The Flies. The book itself is 208 pages. The topics that will be covered are a brief summary, type of chronology used, evaluation of character development, type of conflicts, themes, writers styles, and personal opinions.

This novel takes place on a boat like shaped island. There is a jungle, beach, and a lagoon. There are pigs and fish that they can eat, and different fruits.

This novel is about several young boys trying to survive on this island after their plane crashed. They have to work together in order to survive. There aren't any grown ups around. Ralph and Piggy are the first to appear after the crash. Ralph finds a conch shell and blows into it hoping to get the attention of the other survivors. When they get around in a circle, they elect Ralph as the chief. Jack gets upset and this begins the conflict between Jack and Ralph. Jack decides that he and his choir, now called "hunters" want to go out and hunt for food. On his first attempt, he fails. One of the boys mentions that there is a beast on the island. Nobody paid too much attention to him, but in the back of their minds they knew there had to be something out there.

Ralph decides that they need a fire so that ships can rescue them. They use Piggy's glasses to start the fire. Each of the boys were told to watch out for ships but they decided to play instead so they missed their opportunity to be rescued earlier.

Jack and his "hungers" have become obsessed with hunting and killing. They painted their faces and finally killed a pig. Finally Jack breaks away from Ralph's leadership and he tells the others to follow him. He killed another pig and put the head of the pig on a stake, which symbolized The Lord Of The Flies. While Jack and the "hunters" were roasting the pig, Simon finds a dead man hanging from the rocks wearing a parachute. When he ran to tell the boys they mistaken him for the beast and kill him.

Now only Ralph, Piggy and the twins remain together. The fight for leadership reaches a climax when Jack turns violent. The hunters stole Piggy's glasses, broke the conch, stole the twins and Roger ends up killing Piggy by throwing a boulder at him over the edge. Jack wanted to kill Ralph then, but Ralph ran into the woods to hide. Jack set the island on fire to try to smoke Ralph out. When Ralph was running away from the smoke, he ran into a naval officer who had seen the smoke and came to rescue them. He thought that the boys were just playing games, but he really didn't know how much the boys had gone through while they were on that island.

The type of chronology used is progressive. Each chapter leads into the other chapter and you learn more about each character, as you get further into the book. If you took out any of the chapters the book wouldn't make sense.

The characters that were explained the most were Ralph, Piggy, Jack and the twins.

Ralph is about 12 years old and he is fair headed. He is described as being built and is chosen as the leader due to his positive qualities.

Jack is about 12 also. He has red hair and he has a skinnier build than Ralph. At first he was the leader of his choir group, in which they were given the name "hunters". Jack turned into a horrible child that liked to hunt and kill.

Piggy is short, overweight, has asthma, and wears glasses. He tries his best to keep peace. His glasses are very important because they are used over and over again to start fires.

Sam and Eric are two young twins who always travel and do everything together. Without each other they are incapable of almost everything.

There are many different conflicts in this novel. They include Person Vs Person, Person Vs nature, Person Vs Society, Person Vs Self and Person Vs unknown.

Ralph and Jack is one. Ralph represents order and composure in society. Jack grew tired of Ralph being in charge. He went into a rampage, destroying everything the boys worked so hard



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