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How To Make Decisions Like Our Founding Father

Essay by   •  December 9, 2010  •  522 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,587 Views

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If people remain neutral and impartial, they are able to make better observations, discoveries, and decisions. They can see both sides of an issue and make better informed conclusions. Taking both sides of a matter into consideration makes their decision wiser and weighty. The father of our country, George Washington is the epitome of this. One of the greatest contributions of our first president of our country was the art of compromise. He was able to remain neutral, listen to both sides, and come to an insightful conclusion that opposing sides would agree to.

Our country's great leader, George Washington, remained neutral and was able to make extremely well judged decisions. He even made up his cabinet with rivaling parties: the Jeffersonians and Hamiltonians. Thomas Jefferson, the leader of the Jeffersonians, believed in establishing a country where the people's voice could be heard; he was a Democrat. Alexander Hamilton, the leader of the Hamiltonians, on the other hand, believed in a more centralized government. All of President Washington's decisions would have to satisfy both parties. If a decision of his satisfied both parities, his decision would definitely satisfy the public. He made his decisions by remaining neutral and observing both side. Thus, giving a strong start to the establishment of the United Sates.

An issue, where President Washington had to maintain his neutrality was with the establishment of the national bank. As the Secretary of Treasury in Washington's cabinet, Hamilton was given the job of establishing a national banking system and currency. Hamilton wanted the national bank to take all of the state debts, increasing the federal debt. However, the southern states were angered by this proposal. They had already paid off most of their debts. In addition, Madison thought that this new banking system might be unconstitutional. He and Jefferson, both part of the Jeffersonian party, had strict interpretations



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