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Hispanic American Diversity

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Hispanic American Diversity i

Hispanic American Diversity

Nicholas Skelly

ETH 125, Cultural Diversity

Professor Wilfong

October 13, 2007

Hispanic American Diversity 1

Mexican Americans

Mexican Americans language is made up of a mix of their national language Spanish and English, sometimes referred to as Spanglish. Politically Mexican Americans were very active in the Mexican American Civil Rights movement spearheaded by Mendoza, V Reies LÐ"Ñ-pez Tijerina and the land grant movement, is picked up by Rodolfo "Corky" Gonzales in Denver who defines the meaning of Chicano through his epic poem I am Joaquin, embraces CÐ"©sar ChÐ"ÐŽvez and the farm workers."(2000). The movement as defined by Mendoza, V. "The Mexican American Civil Rights Movement encompassed a broad cross section of issuesÐ'--from restoration of land grants, to farm workers rights, to enhanced education, to voting and political rights."

Socially Mexican Americans seem to want what all immigrants who come to this country seeking; the American Dream. (Alba, R. 2006). Educationally, Mexican Americans, no matter the generation rarely go past High School; according to the reading, Alba, R. "Huntington presents data that appear to show very low levels of Mexican-American educational advancement beyond high school, regardless of generation."

Family for Mexican American seems to focus on the Grandparents, especially the Grandmothers, they appear to be the staple of the family according to GonzÐ"ÐŽlez-Clements, A. in Mexican American traditions in Nebraska, "Grandmothers, those special women who held them and fed them and healed them, grandmothers who knew the remedies, the stories, the crafts, the foods, and the language that some of us have forgotten." American Christmas traditions have been adopted, in place of their traditions

Hispanic American Diversity 2

such as Gonzalez-Clements, A. "The traditional Mexican posada, a house-to-house celebration of song and food that replicates Joseph and Mary's search for shelter on Christmas Eve."

Puerto Ricans

The Puerto Ricans language is Spanish. According to Tara- Ivette, O. in his essay on Puerto Rican Migration and the Puerto Rican Political Experience in the United States; Puerto Ricans began in what was known as Class Politics, where no matter what ethnicity people in the same working classes banded together. Eventually this lead to a movement called the socialism movement, Tara-Ivette, O. "The early immigrants who settled in the United States were influenced by radical political ideas like nationalism, internationalism, and socialism." Still though many Puerto Ricans stayed out of politics and did not vote even though they wished to improve their circumstances in the United States.

Tara-Ivette, O. "I agree with Richie Rodriguez when he states that "[Puerto Ricans] used their ethnicity as their basis for being a separate entity in America and sought to improve their socio-economic and political status as an ethnic group through politics"(" Unity is a big part of Puerto Ricans socioeconomic and family backgrounds. They tend to set themselves apart from the United States mainstream culture and remain their own entity within the U.S.

Puerto Ricans place family very important and respect plays a big part in family relations; according to Jones Syracuse, C. Cultural Diversity: Eating in America Puerto Ricans, "Respect for family is critical in the Puerto Rican culture.


Hispanic American Diversity 3

Cuban Americans main language is Spanish, according to a study done by Jason Cato Cuban Americans have adapted parts of the US to their culture. Cato, J. "In rising to dominate the centers of power in Miami, Cuban-Americans have reversed the traditional cycles of assimilation and acculturation." Even though they seek freedom from the oppression of their country they still have extremely strong ties to their homeland and instead of adapting to the mainstream culture they have adapted parts of the US to their culture.

Cuban Americans religious ties are mainly with the Roman Catholic Church, however according to; "Yet, there are many Protestant, spiritualist (involved in Santeria), nonreligious, and Jewish Cuban-Americans." Family ties are close as they are a source of holding onto their traditions and cultural heritage.

El Salvadorians

El Salvadorians primary language is Spanish; economically speaking they are extremely poor. El Salvadorians immigrated to this country to flee war and poverty. They often come to this country looking for work so that they may send money home to their family. Politically El Salvadorians are not very active and generally do not participate in elections, especially due to the fact that a large percentage of El Salvadorian immigrants are illegal residents of the US.

Their social standing in the US is limited to work related interactions and for the most part other El Salvadorians. They are not much interested in assimilating to the mainstream culture. Most are here merely to work and send money home. Since most of their pay checks are sent back to their country the daily living income is minimal. Not to

Hispanic American Diversity



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