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Gay Marriages

Essay by   •  December 25, 2010  •  894 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,112 Views

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Bryant 1

James Bryant

Eng 103/muller


Same sex marriage

Audience: anyone who is interested in benefiting society

Purpose: To define my argument that gays opinion of marriage is different than heterosexuals and should not share the same term

Ask anyone, and you will be told that they are in favor of equal rights for homosexuals. So am I. The majority will say,' Yes , gays should have the same rights in housing, jobs, public accommodations and have equal access to government benefits, equal protection of the law, ex." But when it comes to marriage , it's a different story. The term "marriage" should not be used for persons of the same sex; it should be reserved for only a man an woman. The definition of marriage is: the act of uniting a man and woman for life. No law forbids gays to live together. They can cohabit together, but call it something else such as a 'legal partner' or a 'legal binding couple' not a 'married' couple. The subject is currently a big issue in today's society. There are more gays than ever before, or at least more gays coming out of the closet about it. They are demanding equal benefits and terminology as

heterosexuals have. Four reasons why homosexuals should not be associated with "marriage" is that homosexuality is considered a sin in most religions, it weakens the definition and respect for the institution of marriage. It would

Almost every religion in the world, including all the major ones in this country,

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considered homosexuality unacceptable. It is offensive and a jab to the religious freedom of the majority to have to recognize a relationship they consider sinful. The legal system in the united states evolved out the laws contained in the bible. We shouldn't go even further to break down those laws.

The fifty percent divorce rte has already weekend the definition of marriage. We shouldn't be taking further steps to define what marriage is. A law allowing gay marriage would increase the number of non-serious marriages, such as a couple of friends who want to save on taxes. Marriage is the most sacred institution in this country, in which every society considers it the joining of a man and a woman. It makes biological sense in view of the fact that only a man woman can pro-create.

The building blocks of our society and the thing that makes us strong is the traditional family of man, woman, and children. I t has sustained our country through a great depression, two world wars, and numerous other challenges over the years. While friends and lovers come and go, your family is always there to . The main reason our culture and morals have started to crumble is the weakening of families. Introducing another form of "family" would only make the situation worse.

Gay rights activists claim that these marriages should be allowed because it doesn't hurt anyone, but it could start a chain reaction that destroys the whole idea of marriage. If someone wants to marry his dog, why shouldn't he be allowed to? What if someone wants to marry his brother or parent? What if someone wanted to marry a blow-up doll or have 10 wives? Unless he develop a firm



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