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Ethics Awareness

Essay by   •  December 3, 2010  •  466 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,420 Views

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Ethics Awareness Inventory Analysis Paper

There are very few exercises in college which truly enlighten students. This ethics awareness inventory was a wonderful, enlightening exercise. It's dead-on with how I think and feel. I feel that people and society as a whole have an obligation to do what is right. And not just an obligation to do what is right for themselves, but also for each other.

I think part of being a middle child is that you are the grand negotiator; a people pleaser. I am the middle child in my family, and I always feel obligated to make other people happy; even if it's at my own expense. I avoid conflicts at all costs, and I am often frustrated at how they are resolved. At work, my frustration is particularly high. Seeing other employees treated in a way that I feel is unethical or in some way unfair always upsets. My profile made mention of how I often feel frustrated about this. If the situation is extreme enough, I will step in and voice my opinion. Sometimes if only one employee is upset, management will not make any changes or even take notice. I have been in trouble for this type of "union leader" behavior at work. I know that if I interfere I will be in trouble, but a part of me cannot sit idle and watch.

It was equally as interesting to learn where my ethical roots are least likely found. Equity was listed as what I would be least likely to base my decisions on. While I definitely feel that every person deserves their fair chance, there are just certain paths that people choose for themselves. Someone who comes for a job interview at a large corporation with four facial piercings has limited their own opportunities. I don't want to give the impression that I place stereotypes on people. I just believe that society has nicely laid out a set of standards and expectations, and people who choose to vary too greatly from these will limit themselves.




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