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Ersamus Desiderius Life And Works

Essay by   •  September 12, 2010  •  670 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,744 Views

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Ersamus Desiderius

Erasmus, Desiderius was born in Rotterdam a city in south western

Netherlands (South Holland), in the year 1466. He was the illegitimate son

of a priest and a physician's daughter. Erasmus was educated in devener and

S'hertogenbosch, in strict monastic schools. Shortly after his father death he

was ordained a priest in 1492. He studied scholastic philosophy and Greek

while working under the bishop of cambrai at the university of Paris.

Erasmus did not find religious life to his liking and he received a

papal dispensation, so he could live and dress as a secular scholar. 1499 he

traveled to many different cities working as a tutor, lecturer, always writing

and searching to find ancient manuscripts. He is most famous for his letter

written to many of the prominent people of his time. More than 1500 of his

letters survive till this day. During his various trips to England he made

friends with many scholars and humanist such as John Colet, and Tomas

Moore. He also taught Greek for a while at the university of Cambridge.

Erasmus was one of the main founders of humanism in England. Humanism

Is the philosophy that people are rational beings who possess the capability

for truth and goodness, it's emphasise is on the dignity and worth of all

human beings. At the university of Turin in Italy he earned a doctrine and

the friendship of Venetian publisher Aldus Manutius. He also lived and

worked in Basel Switzerland for publisher Johann Forbes. He died there

later in 1536.

Erasmus's works were written in Latin, most of his early works were

attacks on the corruption of the church and it's practices. The "Manuell of

the Cristen Knyght"and his most famous "The Praises of Folie". He

advocated for a return to simple Christian ethics. His works were widely

influential and popular with the religious reformers of his time. Erasmus is

referred to as "The father of the Reformation". The reformation was a

massive 16th century revolution in the Christian church. From the time of

the revival of the Holy Roman Empire in 962, there had been a constant

power struggle between the popes and the emperors. Often it was the pope

and the church that were victorious. This resulted in a rather bitter rivalry.

Many scholars began to attack the church, this was the beginning of a

movement toward total independence



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