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Does Competition Bring Out The Best In Us?

Essay by   •  September 30, 2010  •  1,435 Words (6 Pages)  •  2,145 Views

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The score was 14-15. My team was losing the sectional championship game by just one point. Now we had to give our all to win, or we would be regretting the loss for years to come. In order to win, we had to get along with everyone on, and off, the volleyball court. We had to believe in ourselves, but most of all, we had to use all of the competitive skills that we had learned throughout our lives from parents, coaches, and our own experiences.

Each second, the game became more and more intense. After playing our hearts out for two rotations, the score was now in our favor. We were winning 16-15. As soon as we were in control of the game, we competed at a collegiate level that no one would have thought was possible. Our skills were equal to the skills of a college player. The hitters could jump so high that their entire arm was swinging above the net. The blockers all had at least half of their arm making a wall over the net. The defensive players all dug up balls that looked like comets beaming onto the court. We were just twelve girls on a high school team, but the skill and talent we were showing to win against our rival could have been even better than a professional team. We ended up being the team that was celebrating victory in the locker room. We all had our chance to yell, cheer, and jump up and down after we shook our opponents hands. We finally had the opportunity to celebrate an amazing victory. We were even interviewed by reporters and photographed by staff of the Hearld Argus, our city's paper. Competition brought out the best in each one of us that night and that season. The skills we learned and showed on the court will never be forgotten. We learned to get along as a team, believe in ourselves, and to never give up on a goal.

In order to succeed, people must compete. Competition can bring out the best in everyone. During a single day, people in some way compete with themselves or with others. They compete to win a sporting event, to get a raise or promotion in their workplace, to receive the best grades on tests or homework assignments, and to be the best at everything they do.

If there were no competition to bring out the best in us, no one would succeed in life. All people would be at the same level. There would be no such word as "best." We would not even progress in technology because no one would want to invent something better. We could still be using a candle for light, because it would be sufficient. There would be no need to invent electricity, because no one would want to compete to invent something better than a candle. Other inventions, such as the telephone and computer, may also have never been invented. If there were no competition to better technology, letters would be the most efficient way of communicating and the internet wouldn't even exist.

Competition comes from many areas. Children first learn of competition by watching and listening to their parents. Parents always want their children to succeed and be the best at all they do. They often reward the kids for doing a good job. Some parents give money for A's on report cards, and some reward children by buying them a gift. Coaches also push competition by encouraging the team members to practice in order to be the best that they can and win. Competition can also come from oneself. People often push themselves to be successful. They set goals and work toward them.

Competition starts at a very young age and lasts throughout life. Children always compete with other children about who has the best toys or the best bike. They also always try to win at games or build the best fort in the woods. Winning a game or having something no one else has builds up a child's self esteem. That makes a child feel important. It's good to learn how to compete at a young age, because competition never stops.

Many people are against children competing because they say it pushes children too hard. They think children just need to have fun. This is not true. Children must compete to an extent. It's true that a child's life shouldn't be all about winning, but they need to compete in order to learn important life skills and be used to the competitiveness in the world today. The children need to want to be competitive so they practice and get better. If parents and coaches don't push a child to compete with others, the child may just sit around and watch T.V all day long.

After childhood, competition in sports begins.



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