Digital Technology - Influence in Today’s Society
Essay by Shorna-kay Wilkinson • November 20, 2018 • Essay • 328 Words (2 Pages) • 1,366 Views
Digital Technology
Digital technology has a major influence in today’s society—both positive and negative. This form of technology is used to generate, store and process information that can easily be stored in devices. Different digital technologies have created a means of convenience for users to access information, which they can manage, in order to function in society. With technology transforming how people communicate, think and learn, offering a digital method has altered how individuals choose to process information. For instance, I find that I am very heavily influenced by the power of the digital world. The introduction of digital technologies such as smartphones, has created a platform for communication, with access to many features that most users cannot live without, including myself. I’ve noticed that I have created a strong sense of dependence and reliance on my smartphone and how much it plays a vital role in my everyday life. Therefore, with digital technologies emerging and becoming more accessible, it is only going to become harder for users like myself, to live a life without the use of technology because they provide a way of life that many are accustomed to using. To conclude, the role of digital technologies plays a huge role in our everyday lives and because of the impact it has created, it would be extremely difficult for users to go without them. f dependence and reliance on my smartphone and how much it plays a vital role in my everyday life. Therefore, with digital technologies emerging and becoming more accessible, it is only going to become harder for users like myself, to live a life without the use of technology because they provide a way of life that many are accustomed to using. To conclude, the role of digital technologies plays a huge role in our everyday lives and because of the impact it has created, it would be extremely difficult for users to go without them.