Different Culture Value in Workplace
Essay by Louis Hau • July 22, 2015 • Coursework • 936 Words (4 Pages) • 1,301 Views
Different Culture Value in Workplace
The purpose of this research is to discover culture values differences between employees in workplace. Even though the employees are from the same nation, however different culture values can be obtained.
I had a three months’ internship during my degree studies. As a Human Resource intern, I was assisting the company on its day-to-day operation. Upon any requests from employees, I will perform my duties by following company’s standard and regulations. As an example, staffs always place their stationery order before 25th of every month. In the case of emergency, employees need to place their orders with a valid reason before lunch hour, which is 1pm. There was one day Administration Executive, Mei request verbally for 50 rolls of brown paper rolls within 30 minutes, with a reason that she need her team to dispatch a batch of products to an important costumer at 6pm. I had requested Mei to provide an official request by sending e-mail to the whole Human Resource Department in order for me to perform my duties. It is company’s standard procedure for having solid proof with good reason and can be able to claim the expenses from Finance Department. After listening to my request, Mei said that there should be exception on her request and went back to her desk. After half an hour, she came and questioned me why I haven’t purchase the items for her. I explained to her again about the purchasing procedure, she stormed out without saying a word. However, when I finished my work which is around 7pm, I did not receive any e-mail from her.
Mei takes pride on her status in the company, as she is the second highest position in her department and this makes her think that others who have lower title or status should give her exceptions and priorities. On the other side, I demand her to follow the standard procedure and ignore her misuse of power. Subsequently, Mei also paid no heed to my requirement with her order of the 50 rolls of brown paper because she just walked off after our conversation. This made me did not know whether she still want to order the items as she did not give me a clear answer. Furthermore, Mei thought that company’s rules and standard need not to be followed strictly by everyone. Conversely, I insist not to against any company’s rules and standards in order to avoid troubles to occur in the future. This is due to the procedure standard that every urgent purchasing needs to be provided with a good reason and inform the whole Human Resource Department.
Mei’s attitude of culture reflects that she is in high power distance which refereed by finding of Hofstede’s value dimension framework (Hofstede 2012). According to Hofstede’s framework, people in high power distance believe power makes them have privileges (San Diego 2015). Mei though that I will fulfill her request due to her position in the company. Conversely, I did not fulfill her request for the reason that I think everyone should be treated equally in the workplace. This shows that I am in low power distance value by applying into Hofstede’s framework (Itim International 2014). I chose not to handle her request differently from other employees and demand for equality in power. Oppositely, Mei as a high power distance person, she believed that I will go along with her style as she has a greater power in the company.