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Database Management Systems

Essay by   •  October 26, 2010  •  406 Words (2 Pages)  •  2,115 Views

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After many hours of research, and some excellent conversations with my companies project managers and database focals, I have found that we, The Boeing Company, utilize several different database management systems in order to meet the many requirements we have in the area of data management. In this memo I will discuss many of the database solutions we use without giving away any proprietary company information. If specific software package usages are required, please contact me offline to discuss.

Oracle Database Enterprise Edition

The Oracle database and client are currently deployed on approximately 1000 servers across the Enterprise, with thousands of databases for both mission-critical and other database/application systems, for example: Payroll, Total Access (user interface to personal information), SSPN (office supply ordering system), BARS (PC support ticket tracking system), and a number of other program specific proprietary databases. In my opinion this seems to be the most widely used database management system within my organization.

SQL Server 2000

This is a relational database management product that is required for the Windows environment we utilize (2000 and XP) in support of customer applications and third-party products. Furthermore, SQL Server 2000 has been widely deployed in the decision support environments at Boeing since 2000. Prior to the 2000 upgrade we used previous version of SQL to allow us to interface with the 3rd party products. These versions were 6.5, and 7.0.


This is another relational database management product standard that is currently utilized by Boeing. This system is used in our UNIX environment to support our large and complex decision support applications. The system has been deployed at Boeing since 1987. and is used especially for extensively by IT to research and evaluate



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