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Business Strategy

Essay by   •  July 14, 2010  •  468 Words (2 Pages)  •  2,569 Views

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McKensey's 7s

- Strategy

Maintain hight quality, comparerative price - this is strong point of GAP.

Expand to new market, GAP is strong brand not only in five countries they had already entered but also many market similer to those one.

GAP can use their strong brand name to push new product line and target more customer segment such as big size fashion. The cons here is how to make new product which meet GAP standard in customer mind.

- Structure

Gap is both producer and distributer, it is good point but also have some limit. It is hight border of expansion to new market. Acquire, merger activites are fast and cheap ways to setup chain stores in new market.

- System

Gap have already systemizer by product Code, it is good to improve by using new computer system and software. Intergared all feed back and customer care, employee reward, information and report in core system. It help to manage globally and effectively with lower cost, especially MNCs.

Core system also help to locallize marketing and customer service by analyzing data collection from all market, make it suitable to local culture and habits.

- Style

Gap have hight quality products, they keep sticking to that standard for all staff mindset also customer mapping,

Gap is a fashion company, style in term of uniform, working, comunication with customer .. to build company imagine in customer mind.

Empower staff productive by give them satisfaction.

- Staff

Trainning is importance because GAP product is specific brand



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