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Allegations Against Employees In The Area Of Child Protection: A Critical Essay

Essay by   •  December 19, 2010  •  279 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,730 Views

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Allegations against employees in the area of child protection: A critical essay

ACT Council of P&C Associations Inc, 2006, Submission to Legislative assembly Standing Committee on Education, Training and Young People Restorative justice in youth settings, Accessed on 29.5.07 from

Child Protection Legislation Amendment Act 2003 Accessed on 23/05/07 from!OpenDocument

Gale, T & Densmore, K. 2000, �Playing fair: who gets what and why?’ in Just Schoolng, Open Univerity Press, Buckingham, pp. 10-28

Grundy, S. 1994 �Which way toward the year 2000? Contrasting policy discourses in two education systems’, Curriculum Inquiry, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 327-332, 347

NSW Department of Education and Training, 2005, Allegations against Employees in the area of Child Protection, Accessed 5/5/07 from

NSW Department of Education and Training, 2004, Responding to Allegations against Employees in the Area of Child Protection, Accessed 26/5/07 from

NSW Department of Education and Training, 2005, Procedures for the Local Management of Less Serious Allegations in the Area of Child Protection Accessed 26/5/07 from

Parliament of NSW, 2006 Crimes Amendment (Protection of Innocent Accused) Bill, Accessed on 29/05/07 from

Parliament of NSW, 2004, Teachers Notification Records,



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