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Advanced Trends in Using Electro – Anti-Gravitational Propulsive Unit with Magnetically Levitated Runways in Space Missions

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Advanced Trends in using Electro – Anti-gravitational Propulsive Unit with Magnetically Levitated Runways in Space Missions

Prem Chand C. P1, Pradeep T.S2, Thirumal M3 and Vignesh G4

1, 2, 3, 4Students, Department of Aeronautical Engineering, PCET, Coimbatore-59.


Aviation Industry is one of the busiest industries in the world. At any given time, average of about 2,60,000 people are boarded air-borne. A survey report of NTSB (National Transportation Safety Board) states that 32% of aircraft accidents occur during the take-off and the landing phases. Even many spacecraft accidents have occurred due to the gravitational pull of the earth. In an attempt to provide a safer means of cruise, this paper explores the possibility of an Electro - Antigravitational Propulsive Unit with Magnetically Levitated Runway. The underlying principles of this innovative concept are Theory of General Relativity and Meissner effect which is the expulsion of a magnetic field from a superconductor during its transition to superconducting state. The factors to be considered while implementing this method has been discussed in this paper.

Keywords: Relativity, Meissner effect, Transition temperature, Superconducting materials, Cuprate based materials, Magnetic shield, Integrated Propulsion Unit.

1. Introduction: 1.1 Ideology The mystery of general Theory of Relativity and Meissner effect unlocks the idea of levitating a superconductor by Electro Antigravity i.e. interaction of antimatters by a strong electric field. When a superconducting material such as BSCCO (Bismuth Strontium Calcium Copper Oxide) is cooled below its transition temperature, the material cancels nearly all its interior magnetic field. This causes the material to be levitated above the applied magnetic field.

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Here the conventional runway is replaced with a series of electromagnets which are arranged with alternating polarity along the width of the runway. Thus, along the width there will be three magnetic blocks, a north polarity on either side of the south polarity. The magnetic lines of forces on this field resembles 'M' shape. Superconducting magnets are suitably placed on the belly of the space craft. When this superconducting material interrupts this field, it creates a region of repulsion around the space craft. This levitates the space craft above the runway as shown in Fig.1 and propels by the force produced by antimatter collision.

2. Physical Laws and Interactions The laws of physics can tell us how it levitates. As per the standard trick of levitating a magnet above a superconductor (or vice versa), what is needed is an upward repulsive magnetic force capable of balancing the downward force due to gravity, and the origin of that magnetic force is diamagnetism. However, the diamagnetic susceptibility of a superconductor is -1. But, when compared to a person, the diamagnetic susceptibility is only about -.00001. So some order-of-magnitude calculations can tell us what we'll need. When coming onto the propulsive unit, first we have to calculate the downward gravitational force on an object or space craft per unit volume which is ρg, where ρ is the density and g is the acceleration due to gravity. The density of a space craft is about that of its mass by volume, and g is approximately 9.81 m/s2. So to balance the force of gravity, we will need a greater upward magnetic force per unit volume. Of course, there will be no magnetic force in a uniform magnetic field. The magnetic force will equal the upward derivative of the magnetic energy,



This must equal the gravitational force to produce levitation. So we'll need



These Equations (1), (2) give us an amazing prediction that magnetic fields of 10000T or more can be produced with superconducting solenoids or copper-wound "Bitter" magnets of the type. These require Megawatts of power and lots of cooling water. With B=10000T, you will need a field gradient dB/dx



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