- Term Papers and Free Essays

Inds 6324 Ethics the News Is the essays and research papers


751 Inds 6324 Ethics the News Is the Free Essays: 476 - 500

Last update: December 24, 2018
  • Ethical Filter Worksheet

    Ethical Filter Worksheet

    Running Head: ETHICAL FILTER WORKSHEET Value Personal Source Justify the Value's Position in the List. Include any challenges to employing these values consistently when making personal and organizational decisions. Dedication Through my education experience and my work experience I have become very dedicated to any task that comes to me. Showing dedication is a must when you are in an organizational setting. When you show dedication, you are showing that you will do what you

    Essay Length: 511 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: May 20, 2011
  • Ethical Filter Worksheet

    Ethical Filter Worksheet

    Running head: ETHICAL FILTER WORKSHEET Ethical Filter Worksheet XXXXXXXX University of Phoenix Value Personal Source with Examples Justify the Value's Position in the List. Include any challenges to employing these values consistently when making personal and organizational decisions. Honesty Honesty has been a value that I have held in great regard as long as I can remember. My first influence on the importance of honesty was my family and then my faith. I feel that

    Essay Length: 921 Words / 4 Pages
    Submitted: May 20, 2011
  • Business Ethics

    Business Ethics

    By definition for something to be labeled as discriminatory, it has to knowingly set up situations where treatments are unfair due to a level of prejudice; and that is exactly how one could describe the hiring practices of the canneries. The canneries have a habit of looking for individuals to fill low paying positions in areas where they would not necessarily be aware of the type of treatment they were setting themselves up to endure

    Essay Length: 367 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: May 20, 2011
  • Orgaizational Ethics Issue Resolution

    Orgaizational Ethics Issue Resolution

    The Key to Wal-Mart's Success The Key to Wal-Mart's Success The Key to Wal-Mart's Success In 1962, San Walton founded Wal-Mart in Roger, Arkansas. "As in all things, in our people practices, we take to heart our core belief to strive for excellence. That means constantly looking for ways to improve, whether it's connecting executive compensation to diversity goals or improving the supplier application process. Improving these vital relationships is key to a better Wal-Mart

    Essay Length: 2,382 Words / 10 Pages
    Submitted: May 20, 2011
  • Ethics


    Ethics Forced Marriages/Arraigned Marriages We are all familiar with the story: boy meets girl, boy falls in love with girl, boy and girl gets married. For a majority of the western world, this is our ideal of a great beginning to a perfect marriage. As I have done some research on the subject of forced marriage and an arranged marriage, I feel I should explain the difference. A "Forced Marriage" is one in which one

    Essay Length: 1,447 Words / 6 Pages
    Submitted: May 20, 2011
  • Ethical Filter Worksheet

    Ethical Filter Worksheet

    Value Personal Sourcewith Examples Justify the Value's Position in the List. Include any challenges to employing these values consistently when making personal and organizational decisions. Honesty In my experience honesty creates the foundation for a well-structured life. Honesty was lacking when I was younger because my father would either lie or exaggerate the truth frequently. Honesty became a value learned over time with the help of my mother. She taught me that being honest to

    Essay Length: 956 Words / 4 Pages
    Submitted: May 20, 2011
  • Ethical Perspective

    Ethical Perspective

    Ethical Perspective In the following paper I am going to describe the four different ethical perspectives. I will start by describing my own personal ethical perspective as described by the University of Phoenix Ethical Awareness Inventory. After I describe my personal ethical perspective I will evaluate all four of the ethical perspectives starting with character/virtue based. I will then continue with obligation/ deontology based and results/utilitarianism based. I will conclude with a brief description of

    Essay Length: 1,153 Words / 5 Pages
    Submitted: May 21, 2011
  • Ethics


    Running head: ETHICAL FILTER WORKSHEET Ethical Filter Worksheet University of Phoenix Value Personal Source with Examples Justify the Value's Position in the List. Include any challenges to employing these values consistently when making personal and organizational decisions. Honesty My mother installed in me at a young age that honesty was the most important value to have. By being honest a person can gain the respect and trust needed to be successful in life. Honesty is

    Essay Length: 620 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: May 21, 2011
  • Ethics Article Review

    Ethics Article Review

    Ethics Article Review The purpose of ethics in business is to direct business men and women to abide by a code of conduct that facilitates, if not encourages, public confidence in their products and services. Professional accounting organizations recognize the accounting profession's responsibility to provide ethical guidelines to its members. According to the article, "It's a matter of integrity," ethics in business is also about the integrity of the people. Summary of article "Integrity is

    Essay Length: 547 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: May 23, 2011
  • Ethics Article Review Paper

    Ethics Article Review Paper

    In today's day and age, the ability to make as much money as quickly and easily as possible is found around every corner. With this topic in mind (ethics in finances) the first article researched, entitled, "Ethics In Accounting And Financial Decision Making", talked about how ethics in accounting and financial decision making provide the foundation on which a modern business system exists (Accounting, 2007). The article speaks of how making ethical financial decisions sets

    Essay Length: 549 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: May 23, 2011
  • Ethical Filter

    Ethical Filter

    Running head: ETHICAL FILTER WORKSHEET Ethical Filter Worksheet Jeff Sealey University of Phoenix Workshop 3 Ethical Filter Worksheet Value Personal Source with Examples Justify the Value's Position in the List. Include any challenges to employing these values consistently when making personal and organizational decisions. Integrity Jeff was raised as a child and mentored in the Air Force that first and foremost, you have to do the right thing, not the popular thing. Jeff has seen

    Essay Length: 1,394 Words / 6 Pages
    Submitted: May 24, 2011
  • Ethical Values

    Ethical Values

    Are we deluding ourselves by thinking we understand our customers' needs? 'ACE' (Leading Edge Management Consultancy Limited) stands for an Audit of Customer Expectations. ACE identifies for you what your customers expect from your company and how they perceive you compared with your competitors. It is structured to focus on what is really important to your customers. It identifies the factors that are critical to a company's success and then explores them in an interactive

    Essay Length: 418 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: May 25, 2011
  • Ethics Of Media

    Ethics Of Media

    Media &Ethics Ð'ÐŽÐ'§Loss of wealth is nothing, loss of health means something but loss of morals means loss of everythingÐ'ÐŽÐ'Ё says so an Irish saying. Every constitution of the world guarantees freedom of press and freedom of speech, but conditionally. The freedom of press and electronic media should not be misused to create a situation of the law of jungle. Free media strengthens the national unity, upholds the laws of the land and contributes towards

    Essay Length: 1,388 Words / 6 Pages
    Submitted: May 25, 2011
  • Ethical And Regulatory Issues

    Ethical And Regulatory Issues

    Ethical and Regulatory Issues Identify Regulatory Issues In the past couple of years, Las Vegas has experienced a real estate boom that has taken the market to a new level. Each builder struggles to maintain name brand recognition and be known for their product and the trust and quality behind it. Homebuilders are required to comply with regulatory issues in order to strengthen the quality and trust in the home buying business. These regulations provide

    Essay Length: 1,496 Words / 6 Pages
    Submitted: May 26, 2011
  • Ethical Issues In Film

    Ethical Issues In Film

    Racial profiling is a term society has become familiar with in the past few years; however, it is not a new phenomenon. Racial profiling according to Fredrickson, "occurs when law enforcement officials rely on race, skin color, and/or ethnicity as an indication of criminality, reasonable suspicion, or probable cause, except when it is part of the description of a particular suspect" (1). There are many opposing views on racial profiling; some believe it to be

    Essay Length: 1,500 Words / 6 Pages
    Submitted: May 26, 2011
  • Ethics


    1. Explain why Protestants consider Gregory I to be the first pope of the Roman Catholic Church. He organized the papal system of government that characterized the entire medieval period. He also promoted missionary activity among the Germanic tribes. He sent dozens of monks to northern Europe especially England. He laid the foundation for the great edifice known as the Roman Catholicism. An early king of the Franks Pepin the Short granted the pope extensive

    Essay Length: 1,008 Words / 5 Pages
    Submitted: May 27, 2011
  • Ethical Filter Worksheet

    Ethical Filter Worksheet

    Ethical Filter Worksheet MBA 500 University of Phoenix Online Ethical Filter Worksheet Value Personal Source Justify the Value's Position in the List. Include any challenges to employing these values consistently when making personal and organizational decisions. Integrity My personal source of integrity would be from my youth leaders in Arizona. I place integrity at the top of my list because this is a combination of my other values. Integrity is the adherence to moral and

    Essay Length: 665 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: May 27, 2011
  • Dalkin Shield Ethics

    Dalkin Shield Ethics

    The Dalkon Shield Analysis The article about the Dalkon Shield shows how forgetting your ethical responsibilities to the customer can lead to costly mishaps. In this case it led to the downfall of a one hundred year old company because of their lack of ethics. Coupled with this is the awful way they went about marketing their product. When you become more focused on the success of your product and not the well being of

    Essay Length: 672 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: May 27, 2011
  • Ethical Filter Worksheet

    Ethical Filter Worksheet

    Value Personal Source with Examples Justify the Value's Position in the List. Include any challenges to employing these values consistently when making personal and organizational decisions. Honesty People do not want to be in business with a person they cannot trust. I have learned that we all must be honest in matters of business because doing business with honesty is honorable and it is the right thing to do. And above all it will

    Essay Length: 270 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: May 27, 2011
  • Making Ethical Decisions

    Making Ethical Decisions

    The requirements for the Unit 1 Individual Project is to review the case study entitled, "Shutdown at Eastland" on page 89 of text book Ethical Theory and Business by authors Tom L. Beauchamp and Norman E. Bowie. After reading the article, the assignment is to develop a plan to close the assembly plant in Eastland, Michigan. This essay will explain the terms of the close, employee notification and provide suggestions for separation benefits. It will

    Essay Length: 639 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: May 28, 2011
  • Ethical Practice And Theory

    Ethical Practice And Theory

    In the following, I have been assigned to propose a plan for the closing of the Speedy Motors assembly plant in Eastland, Michigan. This active plant closing is a sensitive yet, tragic situation for the owners as well as the employees that will be affected. The employees, their families and their complete livelihood will be affected during this closing. I would have handled this closing in a more professional manner than stated in Beauchamp &

    Essay Length: 642 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: May 28, 2011
  • Ethics In The Workplace

    Ethics In The Workplace

    When I was first in college I found quickly that I needed a job. The only job I could find within walking distance of my college campus was at Subway making a dime above minimum wage. Within a few months of starting I learned that even the Assistant Manager wasn't making lots of money; she only made a dollar above minimum wage. The Assistant Manager had a family to support and was working as many

    Essay Length: 390 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: May 29, 2011
  • Enron's Business Ethics Failure

    Enron's Business Ethics Failure

    Content 1. Overview ............................................................................................3 2. The Fall of Enron ...............................................................................4 3. Enron's ethical dilemmas ..................................................................6 4. Conslucions .......................................................................................7 5. Bibliography ......................................................................................8 1. Overview The goal of this report is to analyze business ethics in the context of the Enron scandal. Enron scandal became a classical example of how a major disregard for ethics and law occurred. It becomes obvious that the institution of business education has not paid a sufficient amount of attention in ethical

    Essay Length: 1,446 Words / 6 Pages
    Submitted: May 30, 2011
  • Do Humans Have The Right To Create Life Through Unnatural Means? What Are The Ethical And Moral Aspects Of This?

    Do Humans Have The Right To Create Life Through Unnatural Means? What Are The Ethical And Moral Aspects Of This?

    A question one could ask oneself is, whether or not Frankenstein is God? Does he have the right to create or undo life? Questions and fears are countless in this matter, but so are the curiosities which continue to carry on the development of biotechnological science. There were many factors which drove Frankenstein on in his venture through creating life, one being curiosity. It is curiosity among other factors which drive scientists on in this

    Essay Length: 651 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: June 1, 2011
  • Ethics Awareness

    Ethics Awareness

    OBLIGATION You tend to base your ethical perspective on an individual's duty or obligation to do what is morally right - principles that represent what rational persons ought morally to do. You believe that ethical conduct appeals to "conscience." In judging whether a person's actions are ethical, you look to the intent behind his/her actions, rather than focusing on results. In other words, to be considered ethical, we must choose how we act and what

    Essay Length: 2,798 Words / 12 Pages
    Submitted: June 3, 2011