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First year read essays and research papers


406 First year read Free Essays: 1 - 25

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Last update: October 26, 2016
  • First-Year Composition: Wats So Great Bout Dat?

    First-Year Composition: Wats So Great Bout Dat?

    Knowledge would be rendered useless if not for a language in which to express and communicate it accurately and effectively. Composition is a vital factor to the success of every student studying in any discipline. All students entering the University of Ottawa should be required to take a first-year composition course; it would develop each student's ability to communicate clearly and concisely at a university level, making knowledge gained in their chosen discipline usable. Students

    Essay Length: 1,312 Words / 6 Pages
    Submitted: May 8, 2011
  • A Review Of A Peoples History, First 250 Years

    A Review Of A Peoples History, First 250 Years

    Dr. Howard Zinn's A People's History of the United States might be better titled A Proletarian's History of the United States. In the first three chapters Zinn looks at not only the history of the conquerors, rulers, and leaders; but also the history of the enslaved, the oppressed, and the led. Like any American History book covering the time period of 1492 until the early 1760's, A People's History tells the story of the "discovery"

    Essay Length: 2,113 Words / 9 Pages
    Submitted: November 5, 2010
  • My First Horror Movie

    My First Horror Movie

    How and why it affected me JonMichael Moore October 16, 2008 When I was about nine years old I watched my first horror movie that was based on true accounts, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974). This was the first time that I realized that things of this nature really do happen. It was accidental my older cousins told me it was real. Mom had to explain that some people are sick in a way that

    Essay Length: 508 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: July 7, 2010
  • Reading Lolita In Tehran

    Reading Lolita In Tehran

    Reading Lolita in Tehran 1. Explain the Blind Censor. How does Nafisi use the Blind Censor to help express what she and her girls hope to do when they meet at her house every week? The book informs the reader that the Blind censor was "the chief film censor in Iran up until 1994" and before that, " he was the censor for a theater and he would sit in the theater wearing thick glasses

    Essay Length: 1,169 Words / 5 Pages
    Submitted: July 31, 2010
  • Why Read The Books

    Why Read The Books

    It has now become clear that Italo Calvino will prove to be one of this century's major writers. In recent years, his work has been established alongside such pan-European thinkers as Barthes and Eco, particularly in the sense that his interests are polymathic. Calvino is an essayist, a literary theorist, a writer of fiction and, to a large extent, a visionary. Paradoxically, much of the modernity he has explored in his narratives has its roots

    Essay Length: 542 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: August 21, 2010
  • Jesus In The Year 2000

    Jesus In The Year 2000

    What does the Jesus of Mitchell's gospel have to say to those of us living in the year 2000? The true test of a literary work is the test of time. If a work has a universal theme, if it has a universal lesson that can be learned, it will last and be referred to as a classic and generation after generation of students will read and discuss it in school. While the Gospels are

    Essay Length: 874 Words / 4 Pages
    Submitted: August 24, 2010
  • Descartes First Meditation

    Descartes First Meditation

    Descartes' First Meditation Descartes believes that knowledge comes from within the mind, a single indisputable fact to build on that can be gained through individual reflection. While seeking true knowledge, Descartes writes his Six Meditations. In these meditations, Descartes tries to develop a strong foundation, which all knowledge can be built upon. In the First Meditation, Descartes begins developing this foundation through the method of doubt. He casts doubt upon all his previous beliefs, including

    Essay Length: 2,171 Words / 9 Pages
    Submitted: August 27, 2010
  • First Ladies

    First Ladies

    There were four women that i enjoyed reading. One was Nacy Regan. She was born on July 6,1923(some reasources say 1921) in New York City. She as a former film and stage actrss who became First Lady of the United States when husband, Ronald Regan, become President in 1980. She was First Lady from 1981 until 1989. She did campaigns such as Drug-Free Youth and Adopt Grandparent Program. Lady Bird Johnson was another I was

    Essay Length: 472 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: August 31, 2010
  • Give An Expensive Gift Here And There, Get Wasted And Party On The Most Unholy Day Of The Year

    Give An Expensive Gift Here And There, Get Wasted And Party On The Most Unholy Day Of The Year

    Christmas is not a Bible doctrine. If our blessed Lord had wanted us to celebrate His birthday, He would have told us when to celebrate it and how to celebrate it. But Christ never told anyone to celebrate His birthday. Furthermore, we know from the Bible and from the church that the apostles and the early church never celebrated Christ's birthday. In fact, there are only two birthday celebrations recorded in the Bible; and each

    Essay Length: 1,818 Words / 8 Pages
    Submitted: September 14, 2010
  • My First Conk

    My First Conk

    "My First Conk" "My First Conk" is a story about part of Malcolm X's life written by Malcolm X. The story was about when Malcolm had his first conk. A conk straightened a black man's hair, so he could look more like a white man. It went through a process on how he and his friend conked his hair. At the end of the story, Malcolm talks about how he embarrassed himself and his race

    Essay Length: 261 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: September 21, 2010
  • Objections To The First Formulation Of Kant's Categorical Imperative

    Objections To The First Formulation Of Kant's Categorical Imperative

    Deontology is the ethical view that some actions are morally forbidden or permitted regardless of consequences. One of the most influential deontological philosophers in history is Immanuel Kant who developed the idea of the Categorical Imperative. Kant believed that the only thing of intrinsic moral worth is a good will. Kant says in his work Morality and Rationality "The good will is not good because of what it effects or accomplishes or because of it's

    Essay Length: 1,537 Words / 7 Pages
    Submitted: September 29, 2010
  • Was The Irish Civil War A Ð''Natural' Conclusion To The Events Of Previous Years?

    Was The Irish Civil War A Ð''Natural' Conclusion To The Events Of Previous Years?

    Was the Irish Civil War a Ð''natural' conclusion to the events of previous years? Some historians will say that the Civil War was a Ð''natural' conclusion to the activities of the previous year others will disagree. This essay will take the line that yes; the civil war was a natural and inevitable conclusion to the Anglo-Irish difficulties. In order to understand why the Civil War came about one must first understand how it came about

    Essay Length: 1,139 Words / 5 Pages
    Submitted: October 16, 2010
  • First Wave Of Plato's Republic Book V

    First Wave Of Plato's Republic Book V

    In the first wave of Plato Republic V, Socrates states that capable women must have equal education as capable men and have equal rights in leadership with guardian men. However, it is then stated that the male gender is superior to the female gender in almost every profession, and goes even further to state that women are weaker then men. This essay will discuss the significance of Socrates' proposal along with why Socrates has such

    Essay Length: 615 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: October 20, 2010
  • Reading Report On Anoited To Serve

    Reading Report On Anoited To Serve

    Title: Anointed to serve Author: William W. Menzies Publisher: Gospel Publishing House Copyright: 1971 General Theme of Manual: The History and Events that shaped and made the Assemblies of God the way it is today. Summary of Pages read: This book was a very useful and insightful book. Let me break it down chapter by chapter. Ch. 1 was the back ground chapter predating 1900. This chapter showed the years of social revolution. The people

    Essay Length: 1,586 Words / 7 Pages
    Submitted: October 21, 2010
  • Later Years If Truman

    Later Years If Truman

    In the early years of the Cold War, both the Truman and Eisenhower administrations pursued a policy of containment to counter perceived Soviet aggression. Generally, the presidential administrations pursued this policy to maintain stability in the international arena, to maintain a balance of power, and also in a sense, to express disapproval of totalitarian, non-democratic regimes. Containment was expressed through a variety of policies and institutions: economic, political and, of course, military. The ways the

    Essay Length: 2,014 Words / 9 Pages
    Submitted: October 24, 2010
  • Canine First Aid

    Canine First Aid

    FIRST AID FOR DOGS The aims and rules of first aid First Aid treatment is based on three aims and four rules. Aims 1. To preserve life 2. To prevent suffering 3. To prevent the situation from deteriorating Rules 1. DonÐŽ¦t panic 2. Maintain airway 3. Control haemorrhage 4. Contact a vet The limitations of first aid The goal of first aid is to help the patient as best as you can - no more

    Essay Length: 1,015 Words / 5 Pages
    Submitted: October 27, 2010
  • Advice For A Ten Year Old

    Advice For A Ten Year Old

    By the time I was ten years old, my parents had instilled in me the notion that failing in school or other efforts was unacceptable. I could either be perfect or a failure, but there was no in-between. I strove to be the ideal daughter who didn't make messes, didn't get bad grades, but didn't have fun. My advice to a ten-year-old would be that it is alright to make mistakes in life. If you

    Essay Length: 284 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: October 28, 2010
  • Affirmative Action: Keeping Minorities Down For 30 Years.

    Affirmative Action: Keeping Minorities Down For 30 Years.

    The subject of affirmative action in college admissions has been hotly debated since its inception. Although affirmative action was originally supported by the vast majority, that same majority is now starting to wonder if there is a better way. Commonly asked questions include: "Is affirmative action still working?" and "Is there an alternative?" The answers to each of these questions will provide insurmountable evidence that affirmative action in college admissions no longer fulfills its

    Essay Length: 1,578 Words / 7 Pages
    Submitted: October 29, 2010
  • One Hundred Years Of Solitude 2

    One Hundred Years Of Solitude 2

    31.03.2005 ONE HUNDRED YEARS OF SOLITUDE There are times when surreal is so naturally expressed that it becomes real. In One Hundred Years of Solitude, Garcia Marquez perfectly combines extraordinary events with everyday life. The magic realism in Marquez’s novel transforms the extraordinary into reality by the use of religion, myth and belief systems. Although these themes make the novel magical, the story is a representation of the reality of Latin America before industrialism with

    Essay Length: 671 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: October 29, 2010
  • Do Not Read

    Do Not Read

    Have I ever felt like I did not belong? Yes I have I feel that way in the school that I am in. The school that I am in is for gang members and drug attics and people who fight to much. that’s just not me, I don’t do drugs, I don’t fight, and I hate gangs beyond belief. All the kids in the class get out of school and go smoke weed or

    Essay Length: 389 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: October 31, 2010
  • The First Crusade And The Ideas Of Crusading

    The First Crusade And The Ideas Of Crusading

    Contrary to many commonly held notions about the first crusade, in his book, The First Crusade and the Idea of Crusading, Jonathan Riley-Smith sets out to explain how the idea of crusading thought evolved in the first crusade. In his book, Riley-Smith sets out five main arguments to show how these ideas of crusading evolved. Firstly, he argues that Pope Urban's original message was conventional, secondly that a more positive reaction was drawn from the

    Essay Length: 2,105 Words / 9 Pages
    Submitted: October 31, 2010
  • Brain Volume Changes In First Episode Schizophrenia

    Brain Volume Changes In First Episode Schizophrenia

    This article relates the changes in brain volume in the first-episode schizophrenia. It exposes many studies done on patients suffering from schizophrenia to reveal the relationship between changes in patients' brain volume and antipsychotic medication. Recent studies have shown that schizophrenia arise from neurodevelopment abnormalities such as enlargement of the ventricles and decreases in brain volume. Schizophrenia is considered a "progressive clinical deterioration". Actually, recent longitudinal imaging studies have proved that brain abnormalities increase

    Essay Length: 819 Words / 4 Pages
    Submitted: November 1, 2010
  • Death Of A Naturalist: A Study Of Seamus Heaney'S First Book Of Poems.

    Death Of A Naturalist: A Study Of Seamus Heaney'S First Book Of Poems.

    Death of a Naturalist: A study of Seamus Heaney's first book of poems. Seamus Heaney, the famed Irish poet, was the product of two completely different social and psychological orders. Living on "a small farm of some fifty acres in County Derry in Northern Ireland" (Nobel eMuseum), Seamus Heaney's childhood was spent primarily in the company of nature and the local wildlife. His father, a man by the name of Patrick Heaney, had a penchant

    Essay Length: 1,521 Words / 7 Pages
    Submitted: November 1, 2010
  • Political Situation Leading Up To Nigeria's First Republic

    Political Situation Leading Up To Nigeria's First Republic

    Nigeria has had a long hard struggle in keeping its democratic independence. The military has taken over numerous times, leaving democracy severely handicapped. Nigerians have clamored, conversed, fought and died over their democracy. But has Nigeria's democracy ever belonged to all Nigerians? In attempting to give background to this question and insight into the answer I have attempted to piece together the important events leading up to the 1959 election. I will touch on Britain's

    Essay Length: 4,653 Words / 19 Pages
    Submitted: November 1, 2010
  • Reading Summary: Amplification Of Sound

    Reading Summary: Amplification Of Sound

    THE AMPLIFICATION OF SOUND Copyright 2005 Metz defined image, dialogue, noise, music and written materials, as the five tracks of cinema. These five tracks are known as the "matter of expression," of a film, three of which are aural. Metz's definition sparked a new interest in sound as it related to the film and music industries, which is known today by most film historians as the "second sound revolution." It was at this point in

    Essay Length: 316 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: November 3, 2010

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